Lets say we have a set of input lists:
lst= [country,usa,uk,india,japan],
We want to create a dictionary in python for each of these lists, so that the output looks like:
mydict= {country:[usa,uk,india,japan]},
CodePudding user response:
You can use dictionary comprehension and slicing for that
lst= [[country,usa,uk,india,japan],
result = [{l[0]:l[1:]} for l in lst]
here I have assumed that lst is a list of lists you want to create a list of dictionaries from it. This was not 100% clear from you question.
CodePudding user response:
I am assuming that you did not use strings and the list you gave was not a nested list so I modified the code based on my understanding of your code.
The list is defined by
lst= [['country','usa','uk','india','japan'],
to convert it to a dictionary I used
and this is what printing the dictionary looks like
{'city': ['tokyo', 'berlin', 'moscow', 'abudhabi'],
'country': ['usa', 'uk', 'india', 'japan'],
'planet': ['earth', 'mars', 'venus']}
CodePudding user response:
Assuming this valid python input:
lst = [['country','usa','uk','india','japan'],
Use zip
, and the dict
keys, *vals = zip(*lst)
d = dict(zip(keys, map(list,vals)))
{'country': ['usa', 'uk', 'india', 'japan'],
'city': ['tokyo', 'berlin', 'moscow', 'abudhabi'],
'planet': ['earth', 'mars', 'venus']}
CodePudding user response:
Assuming this is the input you want:
lst = [['country','usa','uk','india','japan'],
and the output is a single dictionary like this:
{'country': ['usa', 'uk', 'india', 'japan'], 'city': ['tokyo', 'berlin', 'moscow', 'abudhabi'], 'planet': ['earth', 'mars', 'venus']}
You can use dict comprehension with list unpacking to get the result:
mydict = {k: vals for (k, *vals) in lst}