I'm converting a validation schema from jsx
to a tsx
filetype. It works perfectly in jsx
but in tsx
I can't get the type for the yup when
condition to pass. Even any
fails to pass. Any idea how to type this correctly?
The error appearing is
Argument of type '(startTime: Date) => Yup.DateSchema<Date | undefined, Record<string, any>, Date | undefined> | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ConditionOptions<RequiredDateSchema<Date | undefined, Record<string, any>>>'.
Type '(startTime: Date) => Yup.DateSchema<Date | undefined, Record<string, any>, Date | undefined> | undefined' is not assignable to type 'ConditionBuilder<RequiredDateSchema<Date | undefined, Record<string, any>>>'.
Type 'DateSchema<Date | undefined, Record<string, any>, Date | undefined> | undefined' is not assignable to type 'SchemaLike'. Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'SchemaLike'. TS2345
My validation:
Yup.date().required('This field is required')
.when('startTime', (startTime: Date) => { // <-- this is where error appears
if (startTime) {
return Yup.date()
.min(startTime, 'End must be after Start')
.typeError('End is required')
CodePudding user response:
Simplest thing:
Yup.date().required('This field is required')
.when('startTime', (startTime: Date) => {
if (startTime) {
return Yup.date()
.min(startTime, 'End must be after Start')
.typeError('End is required')
return Yup.date()
Personally I would prefer:
.required("This field is required")
.when("startTime", (startTime) =>
? Yup.date()
.min(startTime, "End must be after Start")
.typeError("End is required")
: Yup.date()
but that is just clean up.