I have a variable in a stored procedure that contains a string of characters like
I need a way to get the MESSAGE
part from within the tags.
Any help would be much appreciated
CodePudding user response:
What you need is this:
SELECT SUBSTRING(ColumnName,CHARINDEX('html_tag',ColumnName) LEN('html_tag'),CHARINDEX('html_close_tag',ColumnName)-LEN('html_close_tag')) FROM TableName
You'll require to change the html_tag
and html_close_tag
with your own HTML tag that you want to get rid of.
CodePudding user response:
Note: I have tested it on Oracle RDBMS
A more reliable approach is to use REGEXP_REPLACE.
REGEXP_REPLACE(value, pattern)
'\s*</?\w ((\s \w (\s*=\s*(".*?"|''.*?''|[^''">\s] ))?) \s*|\s*)/?>\s*') FROM DUAL;
Just replace "<" with "[" if your tags are different
CodePudding user response:
If the column contains only single tag, simple call of substring
function should be enough. Otherwise there will always be some point where regular expression does not suffice since you fall into trap (see this legendary StackOverflow answer).