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The first program on wordcount


Meter/wordcount of files on the number of words:
Hadoop jar hadoop - graphs - examples - against 2.4.1. Jar wordcount wordcount2/output2
Come out with such information (part), how to see the statistics on the number of words is correct? The results of statistics is which?
The Map - Reduce Framework
The Map input records=1
The Map output records=5
The Map output bytes=57
The Map output materialized bytes=61
Input the split bytes=101
Combine the input records=5
Combine the output records=4
Reduce input groups=4
Reduce the shuffle bytes=61
Reduce the input records=4
Reduce the output records=4
Spilled Records=8
Shuffled Maps=1
Failed Shuffles=0
Merged the Map outputs=1
The GC time elapsed (ms)=707
The CPU time spent (ms)=5290
Physical memory (in bytes) the snapshot=221282304
Virtual memory (in bytes) the snapshot=631783424
The Total committed heap usage (bytes)=137498624
Shuffle Errors

CodePudding user response:

Know, can use the hadoop fs - cat/output/part - r - 00000 to check the statistics on the number of all kinds of words
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