As title, to such a wrong, can you tell me the next ask what is this?
The Configuration config=HBaseConfiguration. The create ();
/*//configure hbase. Zookeeper. Quorum: followed by a zookeeper cluster machine list
Config. Set (" hbase. Zookeeper. Quorum ", "ZXL - Lenovo - G505"); *//*
Config. Set (" hbase. Rootdir ", "HDFS://localhost: 9000/hbase");
//configure hbase. Zookeeper. Property. ClientPort: zookeeprr cluster service port
Config. Set (" hbase. Zookeeper. Property. ClientPort ", "2181"); */
Config. Set (" hbase. Zookeeper. Quorum ", "localhost: 2181");
Config. Set (" hbase. Rootdir ", "HDFS://hadoop26:9000/hbase");
Config. Set (TableOutputFormat OUTPUT_TABLE, args [1]).
Job Job=Job. GetInstance (config, Main. Class. GetSimpleName ());
TableMapReduceUtil. AddDependencyJars (job);
Job. SetJarByClass (Main. Class);
Job. SetMapperClass (HdfsToBaseMapper. Class);
Job. SetMapOutputKeyClass (Text. Class);
Job. SetMapOutputValueClass (Text. Class);
Job. SetReducerClass (HdfsToHbaseReducer. Class);
FileInputFormat. AddInputPath (job, new Path (args [0]));
Job. SetOutputFormatClass (TableOutputFormat. Class);
Job. WaitForCompletion (true);