Consider the following example HTML which I need to highlight a search text
. This is just an example, the text search and HTML structure are totally arbitrary because it will be run on end-user websites with their inputs. The program will also perform additional operations on the inserted span
, not just highlighting (for example displaying a tooltip when hovering but this is not an issue as long as I have a span
EDIT: I just found out a new line would result in space in between which textContent
won't be correct anymore. However I will keep them there for better visual. You can check the snippet below for correct HTML code
<span >The computer address</span>
<span >192</span>.
<span >168</span>.
<span >1</span>.
<span >1</span>
Using textContent
or innerText
, it's easy to find the closest element with the subtext I need (the div
in the example has the full
text). However the next step I want to do wrap those parts without breaking the original structure or other HTML/CSS class
or properties. Ideally, I'd like to have the final HTML to be:
<span >The computer address</span>
<span ><span >192</span>.
<span >168</span>.
<span >1</span>.
<span >1</span></span>
Using deep-first search I can easily get to the div
, but then I have no idea how to proceed from there. There's also this tricky case:
<span >The computer address</span>
<span >192</span>.</em>
<span >168</span>.
<span >1</span>.
<span >1</span>
I think if there is a solution, this should be the easiest way to achieve it:
<span >The computer address</span>
<span ><span >192</span>.</span></em><span >
<span >168</span>.
<span >1</span>.
<span >1</span></span>
The code will be executed in Chrome extension environment if it's relevance but I believe this should be a pure browser Javascript problem.
Here's a snippet so you can try out:
function transform(el, text) {
// Transform this Element to highlight text
const text = "";
transform(document.querySelector("#case-1"), text);
transform(document.querySelector("#case-2"), text);
transform(document.querySelector("#case-simple"), text);
.my-highlight-span {
background-color: cornflowerblue;
<p>Case 1:</p>
<div id="case-1">
<span >The computer address</span>
<span >192</span>.<span >168</span>.<span >1</span>.<span >1</span>
<p>Case 2:</p>
<div id="case-2">
<span >The computer address</span>
<span >192</span>.</em><span >168</span>.<span >1</span>.<span >1</span>
<p>Simple case:</p>
<div id="case-simple">
The computer address is
<hr />
<p>Desired Result:</p>
<div id="case-1-result">
<span >The computer address</span>
<span ><span >192</span>.<span >168</span>.<span >1</span>.<span >1</span></span>
<div id="case-2-result">
<span >The computer address</span>
<span ><span >192</span>.</span></em><span >
<span >168</span>.<span >1</span>.<span >1</span></span>
<div id="case-simple-result">
The computer address is <span ></span>
CodePudding user response:
I am finally get the answer using Range
API, credit to awesome explanation here and a subtle workaround of Range.surroundContents()
method I recursively scan fortextContent
s to determine the start and end of a search term.I then use
API to select and extract the content and insert it back after surrounding it with myspan
There is some limitation obviously but this should work for most cases. For example, in case 2, my code would generate an extra empty <span >
inside <em>
function scanForText(el, expectingStart, expectingEnd, result) {
if (el.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
const nodeContent = el.textContent;
result[4] = nodeContent;
const currText = result[4];
if (expectingStart < currText.length && !result[0]) {
result[0] = el;
result[1] = expectingStart - (currText.length - nodeContent.length);
if (expectingEnd <= currText.length && !result[2]) {
result[2] = el;
result[3] = expectingEnd - (currText.length - nodeContent.length);
} else {
for (let childEl of el.childNodes) {
scanForText(childEl, expectingStart, expectingEnd, result);
if (result[2]) { // When already found ending, return
function transform(el, text) {
const fullText = el.textContent;
const startIndex = fullText.indexOf(text);
const endIndex = startIndex text.length;
const scanState = [null, -1, null, -1, ""];
scanForText(el, startIndex, endIndex, scanState);
const [startNode, startRangeIndex, endNode, endRangeIndex] = scanState;
if (!startNode || !endNode) {
console.warn("This should not be happening");
const range = new Range();
range.setStart(startNode, startRangeIndex);
range.setEnd(endNode, endRangeIndex);
const surrounding = document.createElement("span");
surrounding.className = "my-highlight-span";
// This can't be used when cutting one text boundary.
// Alternative is offered at
// range.surroundContents(surrounding)
const extracted = range.extractContents();
const text = "";
transform(document.querySelector("#case-1"), text);
transform(document.querySelector("#case-2"), text);
transform(document.querySelector("#case-simple"), text);
.my-highlight-span {
background-color: cornflowerblue;
<p>Case 1:</p>
<div id="case-1">
<span >The computer address</span>
<span >192</span>.<span >168</span>.<span >1</span>.<span >1</span>
<p>Case 2:</p>
<div id="case-2">
<span >The computer address</span>
<span >192</span>.</em><span >168</span>.<span >1</span>.<span >1</span>
<p>Simple case:</p>
<div id="case-simple">
The computer address is
<hr />
<p>Desired Result:</p>
<div id="case-1-result">
<span >The computer address</span>
<span ><span >192</span>.<span >168</span>.<span >1</span>.<span >1</span></span>
<div id="case-2-result">
<span >The computer address</span>
<span ><span >192</span>.</span></em><span >
<span >168</span>.<span >1</span>.<span >1</span></span>
<div id="case-simple-result">
The computer address is <span ></span>