I have a problem about sending the value coming from message.properties file to the thymeleaf fragment page. After I defined the value in message.properites file named as "brand.name" , I'd like to send it to that page but I couldn't handle with it.
Even if I can use column_link('name',[[#{brand.name}]],'none')"
or column_link('name',#{brand.name},'none')"
, I cannot show the name in fragment.
How can I do that?
Here is my message_en.properties file shown below.
brand.name = Brand Name:
Here is my HTML page shown below.
<th th:replace="fragments :: column_link('name','Brand Name','none')" />
Here is my fragment page shown below.
<th th:fragment="column_link(fieldName, columnLabel, removeTag)" th:remove="${removeTag}">
th:href="@{${moduleURL} '/page/' ${currentPage} '?sortField=' ${fieldName} '&sortDir=' ${sortField != fieldName ? sortDir : reverseSortDir} ${keyword != null ? '&keyword=' keyword : ''}">
<span th:if="${sortField == fieldName}"
th: ></span>
CodePudding user response:
You should be able to pass a property in like this:
<th th:replace="fragments :: column_link('name',#{brand.name},'none')" />