I have a ModelViewSet and I want to perform some more operations on the newly created object. But I am unable to get the newly created object id here. How to get the newly created object id after the super()?
def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
phone = request.data.get('student_phone_number')
batch_id = request.data.get('batch_id')
class_number = request.data.get('class_number')
if not any([phone, batch_id, class_number]):
return Response({"message": "Missing Params"}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
if self.queryset.filter(student_phone_number=phone, batch_id=batch_id, class_number=class_number,
return Response({"message": "Compensation class already booked"}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
super().create(request, *args, **kwargs)
CodePudding user response:
you should overwrite the perform_create not create Method on ModelViewSet
def perform_create(self, serializer):
phone_value = self.request.data['phone']
batch_id_value = self.request.data['batch_id']
class_number_value = self.request.data['class_number']
// do your condition here
instance = serializer.save(phone=phone_value, batch_id=batch_id_value, class_number=class_number_value)
instance_id = instance.id
// do whatever you want with instance_id
return Response({"message": "Data Has been saved", Id:instance_id }, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
Calling serializer.save() should return the instance that has just been create.