Home > other >  Using label tkinter insert more pictures, but the picture is too big, can't show full how to do
Using label tkinter insert more pictures, but the picture is too big, can't show full how to do


The from tkinter import *
Root=Tk ()
Root. Title (' milk powder analysis')

Screenwidth=root. Winfo_screenwidth ()
Screenheight=root. Winfo_screenheight ()
Dx alignstr='% % d + % d, % d' % (width, height, (screenwidth)/2, (screenheight)/2)
Root. Geometry (alignstr)

Lbl1=Label (root)
Lbl1. Pack (side=TOP, expand=YES, the fill=X)
Lbl1. Config (text='one, the product brand milk powder nutritional analysis')
The font=(' HuaWenZhong song ', 15, 'bold')
Lbl1. Config (the font=the font)

Pic1=PhotoImage (file="D: \ python \ carbohydrate content. PNG ')
Lbl2=Label (root)
Lbl2. Pack (side=TOP)
Lbl2. Config (image=pic1)

Pic2=PhotoImage (file="D: \ python \ protein. PNG ')
Lbl3=Label (root)
Lbl3. Pack (side=TOP)
Lbl3. Config (image=pic2)

Root. Mainloop ()
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