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LCD160160 (UC1698U) drive problem...


STM8 drive programs written STVD, LCD160160 (UC1698U), try for two nights, has always been show snow, snow, snow, completely don't understand this kind of LCD driver process, please, bosses guidance,

, every brother younger brother points less, considerate understanding   ,

# include "LCD160160. H"

Unsigned int l;
Void L_Delay (unsigned int t)
While (t -);

Void LCD160160_Init ()

L_Delay (50);
L_Delay (200);
L_Delay (200);
L_Delay (200);
Write_Com (0 xe2);//software reset, the control register values are reset to the default
L_Delay (200);//200 ms delay
L_Delay (200);//200 ms delay
Write_Com (0 x25);//temperature compensation Settings TC1TC0 01=- 0.05%
Write_Com (0 x2b);//PC0=1 load 13 nf LCD LCD 22 or less or less nf PC1=1 to start the internal booster to 10 * DC - DC to produce the required VLCD, cannot be changed after opening show PC1 value,
Write_Com (0 xa6);//A6 closed negative display Settings A7 open negative
Write_Com (0 xa4);//functions of A4 shut down the whole show a5 open all show
Write_Com (0 x81);//set the LCD contrast
Write_Com (0 xd1);//contrast voltage value of 0-255
Write_Com (0 xe9);//this instruction set the bias than LCD driver,
Write_Com (0 xc0);//LCD image set 1 1 0 0 0 MY MX LC0 C0 - C7
Write_Com (0 xa1);//set the frame frequency 101000 LC4 LC3 A0 - A3
Write_Com (0 xd1);//display the data format set 1101000 lc5 D0 - D1
Write_Com (0 xd5);//1 1 0 0 1 LC7 LC6 D5, D6
Write_Com (0 xc8); Write_Com (0 x00);//11001000 + xxxNIV4 C8: fh NIV0 00 h - 1
Write_Com (0 xd8);//local display control set 84 h/85 h
Write_Com (0 xad);//10101 DC4 DC3 DC2 A8H - AFH 10101101

Write_Com (0 xf4); Write_Com (0 x25);//operation window left border (the starting column address) set
Write_Com (0 xf5); Write_Com (0 x00);//operation window border (starting line) address Settings
Write_Com (0 xf6); Write_Com (0 x5a);//operation window right boundary (end column address) set
Write_Com (0 xf7); Write_Com (0 x9f);//operating window border (end line address) set
Write_Com (0 xf8);//window operation mode setting
//Write_Com (0 x05); Write_Com (0 x12);
//Write_Com (0 x60); Write_Com (0 x70);
L_Delay (9000);
L_Delay (9000);

For (l=0; L<160 * 28; L++)

Write_Data (0 x00);//write 1 pixel, write pixel 2
Write_Data (0 x00);//write pixels 3, write pixel 4
Write_Data (0 x00);//write 5 pixels, write pixel 6


Void Write_Com (unsigned int Command)
L_Delay (800);
Lcd_Bus (Command);


Void Write_Data (unsigned int Ddata)
CS=0;//chip select
CD=1;//H: Data: L Command
RD=1;//Date rede
L_Delay (800);
Lcd_Bus (Ddata);
WR=1;//Date write

CodePudding user response:

I am a reference UC1698u - data book written in Chinese, are not sure this drive way, isn't that right,

CodePudding user response:

Very embarrassed, found some problems, the original is a microcontroller pins, there are two not is true od can only output output level is low, cannot output is high, the input state no pull-up resistors,,,
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