I am chaining a bunch of git commands in alias as below. How do I get the 'echo' part to work:
comb = ! sh -c 'echo \"Combining branches $1 with $2\"' && git checkout $2 && git merge $1 && git push && git checkout $1 && :
Some context: Git Alias - Multiple Commands and Parameters
CodePudding user response:
Do not use single quotes around echo
— Unix shells do not expand parameters inside single quotes. The fix is
$ git config alias.comb '! sh -c "echo \"Combining branches $1 with $2\""'
$ git config alias.comb
! sh -c "echo \"Combining branches $1 with $2\""
$ git comb 1 2 3
Combining branches 1 with 2
$ git config alias.comb '! sh -c "echo \"Combining branches $*\""'
$ git config alias.comb
! sh -c "echo \"Combining branches $*\""
$ git comb 1 2 3
Combining branches 1 2 3
CodePudding user response:
The standard trick is to define a function which you immediately call.
comb = ! f () { echo "Combining branches $1 with $2" && git checkout "$2" && git merge "$1" && git push && git checkout "$1" && :; } f
This simplifies the quoting.
CodePudding user response:
Your quotes are messed up:
comb = ! sh -c 'echo "Combining branches $1 with $2" && git checkout "$2" && git merge "$1" && git push && git checkout "$1"'
You could also consider changing your alias to an executable called git-comb
and store it somewhere in your path:
$ cat /path/to/executables/git-comb
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]
>&2 printf 'Usage: %s <ref> <ref>\n" "${0##*/}"
exit 2
echo "Combining branches $1 with $2"
git checkout "$2"
git merge "$1"
git push
git checkout "$1"
This way you can call it with:
$ git comb branch_1 branch_2