Added a whole morning or
How can prompt error after enter again!
Thank you very much
CodePudding user response:
Here is the C/C + + area...CodePudding user response:
Score=int (input (" please enter the scores (press & lt; ESC> And enter to exit) : "))While score not in range (0, 101) :
Print (" result is wrong, please input again: ")
Score=int (input (" please enter the scores (press & lt; ESC> And enter to exit) : "))
If the score in the range (90, 101) :
Print (" A ")
Elif score in the range (80, 90) :
Print (" B ")
Elif score in the range (70, 80) :
Print (" C ")
Elif score in the range (60, 70) :
Print (" D ")
The else:
Print (" E ")
CodePudding user response: