If you are familiar with SAS, you know how the ":" operator works.
For example, I have a table (Table1) for which the column names are like this: Surface Circle Area1 Area2 Area3 ... Area12
I can call the Area1 Area2 ... Area12 columns like this:
data Table2;
set Table1;
keep Area:;
What is the equivalent of this in R ?
Imagine the following dataset:
a1 = 1:10
a2 = 11:20
a3 = 21:30
a4 = 31:40
b = 50:59
df = data.frame(a1, a2, a3, a4, b)
How can I select the columns a1 ... a4 with a command as simple as the one we use in SAS?
CodePudding user response:
If I understood correctly what you are asking, your are looking for something like this (which makes use of dplyr
df %>% select(a1:a4)
If instead you are looking for a way to select all columns which start with the pattern 'a', you need the starts_with
df %>% select(starts_with("a"))
CodePudding user response:
You can do this in base R with subset
subset(df, select = a1:a4)