Is there a way to list out all the object classes in R. For example,
rm(list = ls())
asd <- iris
sapply(ls(), function(x){class(x)})
Expected output
Ideally I am loading iris dataser to asd. So I need to its class. It is returning as "character" instead of data.frame.
When we have N number of objects, we should see how many objects are there and its classes
CodePudding user response:
You are looking for:
lapply(mget(ls()), class)
CodePudding user response:
There is no need for mget(ls())
. Use eapply
to obtain the result directly:
x <- double()
m <- matrix()
l <- list()
cc <- eapply(environment(), class)
[1] "numeric"
[1] "list"
[1] "matrix" "array"
If you want a data frame, then you can do:
data.frame(name = names(cc), class = I(unname(cc)))
name class
1 x numeric
2 l list
3 m matrix, ....