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Operations on Data Frame passed to function are very slow


In my example I have a 3D point cloud and want to find the outline for each z-layer. My current approach is the following:

library(rgl) #just for 3D visualisation purposes of the cube

cube = data.frame(x = rep(1:10,1000),
                  y = rep(1:10, 100, each = 10),
                  z = rep(1:10,100,each = 100)) #3D point cloud

xyz_list = split(cube, cube[,3]) #split into layers by unique z-values

t0 = Sys.time()
outline = lapply(xyz_list, function(k){
  xmax = merge(aggregate(y ~ x, FUN = max, data = k), k) #maximum y-value for each unique x-value
  xmin = merge(aggregate(y ~ x, FUN = min, data = k), k) #minimum y-value for each unique x-value
  ymax = merge(aggregate(x ~ y, FUN = max, data = k), k) #maximum x-value for each unique y-value
  ymin = merge(aggregate(x ~ y, FUN = min, data = k), k) #minimum x-value for each unique y-value
  mm = rbind(xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin) #collect all minimum and maximum values
  mm = mm[!duplicated(mm),] #remove duplicate rows
t1 = Sys.time()
print(t1 - t0)

outline = do.call(rbind,outline)#merge lists
plot3d(outline, col = "red", add = TRUE, size = 5) 

Which takes approx. 0.33 secs

Now I thought about passing the dataframe (xyz_list) to a function named of outside of lapply and move all the code from inside lapply to that function as I need to repeat the operations several times later on:

of = function(df, dim1, dim2){
  xmax = merge(aggregate(df[,dim1] ~ df[,dim2], FUN = max, data = df), df) 
  xmin = merge(aggregate(df[,dim1] ~ df[,dim2], FUN = min, data = df), df) 
  ymax = merge(aggregate(df[,dim2] ~ df[,dim1], FUN = max, data = df), df) 
  ymin = merge(aggregate(df[,dim2] ~ df[,dim1], FUN = min, data = df), df) 
  mm = rbind(xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin) #collect all minimum and maximum values
  mm = mm[!duplicated(mm),] #remove duplicate rows

t0 = Sys.time()
outline = lapply(xyz_list, function(k){
  mm = of(k, 2, 1)
t1 = Sys.time()
print(t1 - t0)

Which takes about 13 secs.

I don't understand why my code has become so much slower in the second example. Is there some way to make the function of more efficient?

CodePudding user response:

# dummy data
cube <- data.frame(x = rep(1:10,1000),
                  y = rep(1:10, 100, each = 10),
                  z = rep(1:10,100,each = 100)

# split into list
xyz_list <- split(cube, cube[,3])

op's original method (lapply only)

outline <- lapply(xyz_list, function(k)
  xmax = merge(aggregate(y ~ x, FUN = max, data = k), k) #maximum y-value for each unique x-value
  xmin = merge(aggregate(y ~ x, FUN = min, data = k), k) #minimum y-value for each unique x-value
  ymax = merge(aggregate(x ~ y, FUN = max, data = k), k) #maximum x-value for each unique y-value
  ymin = merge(aggregate(x ~ y, FUN = min, data = k), k) #minimum x-value for each unique y-value
  mm = rbind(xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin) #collect all minimum and maximum values
  mm = mm[!duplicated(mm),] #remove duplicate rows

op's attempt to create function (then lapply)

of <- function(df, dim1, dim2)
  xmax = merge(aggregate(df[,dim1] ~ df[,dim2], FUN = max, data = df), df) 
  xmin = merge(aggregate(df[,dim1] ~ df[,dim2], FUN = min, data = df), df) 
  ymax = merge(aggregate(df[,dim2] ~ df[,dim1], FUN = max, data = df), df) 
  ymin = merge(aggregate(df[,dim2] ~ df[,dim1], FUN = min, data = df), df) 
  mm = rbind(xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin) #collect all minimum and maximum values
  mm = mm[!duplicated(mm),] #remove duplicate rows

new, improved function

of1 <- function(df, y, x)
  y_x <- as.formula(paste(y, '~', x))
  x_y <- as.formula(paste(x, '~', y))
  xmax = merge(aggregate(y_x, FUN = max, data = df), df) 
  xmin = merge(aggregate(y_x, FUN = min, data = df), df) 
  ymax = merge(aggregate(x_y, FUN = max, data = df), df) 
  ymin = merge(aggregate(x_y, FUN = min, data = df), df) 
  mm = rbind(xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin) #collect all minimum and maximum values
  mm = mm[!duplicated(mm),] #remove duplicate rows



a <-
  microbenchmark(original = {outline = lapply(xyz_list, function(k)
                                        xmax = merge(aggregate(y ~ x, FUN = max, data = k), k) #maximum y-value for each unique x-value
                                        xmin = merge(aggregate(y ~ x, FUN = min, data = k), k) #minimum y-value for each unique x-value
                                        ymax = merge(aggregate(x ~ y, FUN = max, data = k), k) #maximum x-value for each unique y-value
                                        ymin = merge(aggregate(x ~ y, FUN = min, data = k), k) #minimum x-value for each unique y-value
                                        mm = rbind(xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin) #collect all minimum and maximum values
                                        mm = mm[!duplicated(mm),] #remove duplicate rows
                 , slow = {outline1 = lapply( xyz_list, function(k) { of(k, 2, 1) } )}
                 , improved = {outline2 = lapply( xyz_list, function(k) of1(k, 'y', 'x') )}
                 , times = 30


identity check

identical(outline, outline2)
[1] TRUE

CodePudding user response:

data.table solution:

I would recommend just subsetting on the larger data.table as needed instead of splitting it into separate data.tables by z layer. But if outline is really needed as a list of data.tables, we can split the z layers out after doing the summarizing:


cube <- data.table(x = rep(1:10, 1000),
                   y = rep(1:10, 100, each = 10),
                   z = rep(1:10, 100, each = 100)) #3D point cloud

  nms <- c("x", "y", "z")
  outline2 <- unique(rbindlist(lapply(1:2, function(i) setnames(cube[, .(range(.SD)), by = c(nms[-i]), .SDcols = nms[i]], "V1", nms[i])), use.names = TRUE))
  setcolorder(outline2, nms)
  outline2 <- split(outline2, outline2[[3]])
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>    0.03    0.00    0.05

Compare to the original non-function solution:

  xyz_list <- split(cube, cube[,3]) #split into layers by unique z-values
  outline1 <- lapply(xyz_list, function(k){
    xmax <- merge(aggregate(y ~ x, FUN = max, data = k), k) #maximum y-value for each unique x-value
    xmin <- merge(aggregate(y ~ x, FUN = min, data = k), k) #minimum y-value for each unique x-value
    ymax <- merge(aggregate(x ~ y, FUN = max, data = k), k) #maximum x-value for each unique y-value
    ymin <- merge(aggregate(x ~ y, FUN = min, data = k), k) #minimum x-value for each unique y-value
    mm <- rbind(xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin) #collect all minimum and maximum values
    mm <- mm[!duplicated(mm),] #remove duplicate rows
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>    0.64    0.01    0.66

If a function that operates on a list of pre-split layers is really needed:

of <- function(dt, dim1, dim2) {
  setcolorder(unique(rbindlist(lapply(c(dim1, dim2), function(i) setnames(dt[, .(range(.SD)), by = c(nms[-i]), .SDcols = nms[i]], "V1", nms[i])), use.names = TRUE)), nms)

  outline3 <- lapply(xyz_list, function(k) of(k, 1, 2))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>    0.06    0.00    0.06

We'll verify that the solutions all return the same set of values. In order to compare, we need to convert the outline1 data.frames to data.tables and reset their rownames. We also sort all the data.tables.

for (i in 1:length(outline1)) {
  rownames(outline1[[i]]) <- NULL

identical(outline1, outline2)
#> [1] TRUE
identical(outline1, outline3)
#> [1] TRUE

Created on 2022-01-31 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
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