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[dry] see how great god against the royal war


Clash Royale game analysis
A, the game structure
In simple terms, Clash Royale game framework can be divided into the following several aspects
Treasure chest for level
There are three kinds of main access
1, free treasure chest regularly refresh
Free treasure chest card number given by the kinds and COINS is low, but can be used as a stable output channels (good increased user viscosity)
2, daily battle arena for crown crown to open the treasure box
Encourage players to play against arena, at the same time card and currency output to enhance better players to arena play and get the enthusiasm of the treasure chest
3, the arena for different levels of the treasure chest
Players through the treasure chest for the main channel, the CARDS and COINS for high-grade treasure chest of randomness is more attractive to players, arena play also is the core of the game play, for players to experience the fun of the arena play, encourages players to win more trophies in higher arena for better treasure chest
Card group match level
Enhanced card group there are two main ways
1. Get a new card
More kinds of new card card gave the player more and more powerful the more rich play and play space
2. The accumulated to obtain the same card
Accumulated to obtain the same card to achieve a certain number can takes some gold COINS to upgrade the card, make the card more strong, let the players for their favourite card has a larger increase in space, the rational use and get more CARDS gold, has become a target for the player to obtain the treasure chest, upgrade card group, arena against access to more advanced treasure box forming cycle

Second, the relationship between game arena and treasure box structure

By figure can be seen, arena class determines the treasure chest of the access class, also determines the access card type and number of gold COINS, simple and obvious game resources circulation, can understand for players to get started, also indicate the target to the players, get the treasure chest enhanced card set against more rich,
Attracts a lot of players and games also has an inseparable relationship with the cycle, the players in the game will be in the condition of rising steadily in the process, everyone after open the treasure case for gold card can upgrade the card or get a new card to enhance card group, relatively stable treasure chest open access and let players always can keep eating and a sense of achievement,
But card group ascension and the treasure chest the arena battle since access to a large extent,
Players for the purpose of an arena battle roughly divided into the following three
1) get the treasure chest
2) the cumulative crown crown open daily treasure chest
3) obtain higher number of trophies into higher order arena

And this will help all three players to get more CARDS of gold resources, enhance the player card group strength, enhance the enthusiasm of players to participate in an arena battle, allowing players to getting to know different card game against different players and groups, and find the characteristic of different CARDS, also attract people to buy the card, arena play strategically to gain a sense of accomplishment for players to win, and the failure of frustration it is easy to drive the player emotions and into the next round of the battle,

For treasure box system Clash Royale's biggest bright spot is the treasure chest open time and treasure chest bar on the setting of the more advanced the treasure chest open longer, each player can have four chests at the same time, most can only open a treasure chest, this part set good to avoid the players, the widening gap between let players in the ascension of a relatively stable state, and thus increase player games cycle,
And on the longer cycle shrunk the player you've played, Clash Royale and a detail also evident, the advanced treasure chest acquisition probability is low, senior upgrade card is difficult, the game cycle longer, let the game activity has been in a state of stable and good, new players into also can be a very good game,
Defect is clear, however, the game's biggest bright spot is that rich card combination and strategic and competitive arena, in addition, there is no other game players are not keen to arena is too drab,

3, the numerical system
Simple and effective resource system is one of the biggest advantages to help players introduction, Clash of Royale, only two kinds of resources, gold and precious stones, straightforward,
1) upgrade card
2) buy the card
1) buy treasure chest
2) open the treasure case immediately
3) buy gold

Compared with multifarious resources system, this kind of simple and clear it easier for players to the resource system and understand the source and use of the resources,
Resources is closely related to the group of ascension, and guide players entered the arena against circulation, and form the point of consumption,
Free treasure box and the daily crown treasure box of stable output is very easy for players to form - arena battle - resources circulation and guarantee the virtuous cycle of players,

Is closely related to gem USES "immediately open the treasure box" is another important numerical system "treasure chest unlock time
"Treasure chest open the longer the higher the grade, the treasure chest open players open time is very good and the progress of collecting treasure chest, to extend the game cycle shorten the gap between the players at the same time, the long wait to open the treasure box to the players with more looking forward to, and use gem immediately open the treasure case players in order not to waste the time to open the treasure chest of cycle, need him to do more like the arena battle for more, increasing viscosity,

Four, consumption patterns
Have to say SuperCell consumption patterns and the player is not consciously want to jump way of digging holes has much to do,
Early players get less species card, the card upgrade spend less, for players to form "gold COINS to spend not over", "all of the CARDS to upgrade" illusion, prompting the player spending gem found gold not upgrade for the first time to continue long illusion, with the first spend precious stones after players to spend gems to purchase treasure box or gold COINS and open the treasure box is no longer so don't give up, so as to realize the gem of convenience, to induce players buy gems,
But the clever sexual point of consumption is even spent some gems just got a part time shorten or card of ascension, for since the card group ascension is foreseeable, a small amount of cost is hard to with other players in the too big gap, but also meet the players look forward to working with irritating or convenience,

Five, confrontation and real-time strategy mode
Against is the core of ClashRoyale play arena, the SuperCell pursues confrontation and real-time strategy on ClashRoyale been fully reflected,
The player to collect and upgrade the card with card group effort will be reflected in the fight, a good design, can let the players in every progress has obvious change, such as "the prince" card can be in each other's vast vacuum attack each other's defensive towers is crucial for an arena battle,
ClashRoyale shows real-time strategy there are several key elements
1) the immediacy, determines the will be full of change, let the players feel against the tension and stimulate the
2) enough dimension of strategy, and gradually release strategy dimensions, constantly inject fresh blood, maintain vitality,

Every confrontation with real-time strategy game balance and restraint relationship, ClashRoyale shown restraint concept is simple and clear the cost of exchange, and the water consumption is the nods eyeball pen of SuperCell,
Before the "holy water collector", against the holy water on both sides are the same, as long as by less water consumption to each other more holy water consumption will be an advantage, such as "rain arrows (3)" as "army of undead (5)."
Mutual restraint relationship exists between the card and the same type of units also because water consumption and properties of different and increased the card group can match and make war against becomes more diverse,
The key factors of players to choose a card there are three main kinds of

1) the card type2) the card level
3) water consumption
And these three factors contributed to protean card combination, and against different players, players against can be kept fresh and stimulation,
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