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Tencent internal share 丨 month 400 million water product is how to practice


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Generally, received a boss (or player feedback) demand for approximately two kinds, one is given to the role of the name (such as chongda sima, lyu3 bu4), another is to want to be the role of the functions (such as propulsion character or eruption type warriors),

For the first demand, as a designer you need first to understand the history of the character or character, no matter he is from history, myths, or other fiction;

Demand for a second, designers often need according to his view of the world games, looking for relatively fit figure, or to use its own game world outlook, to fiction, such as blind monk, master li qing's robot blitz with machines, etc.

Probably clear to design role, according to the world, it can give general background attribution (such as: wei shu wu? Light the darkness? And a general relationship with the other characters, and is the core of role positioning (good at attack? Defense? Investigation) and so on, with these, a battle about XX hero image in your mind, then can carry out the next step,

The skills of planning design article

Logical thinking processes:

Summarized the problem a: how?

In the previous article, I have asked all nuclear strike and lightning storm of the same and different, don't know if you have any impression, then here can expand the,

Skills is the soul of a hero, moba game is also one of the heroes in the battlefield the main function of the carrier, when players need to these functions in the battle, he would think of the hero

Wen dao has successively, there are specializing in, especially for this moba games lol, value between players cooperate, more won't exist 1 x5 hero,

So give the hero design skills, for the function of the familiar, tend to only one side, other aspects can merger, but only insufficient ideal, or to the operation of the players have high or skill requirements,

Large resort (such as vanity, had a very good control effect, but also affects friendly, players want to maximize its effect in combat, the timing, release the location of the master has a high requirement)

Generally speaking, the function of the hero skill roughly divided into the following (i.e., effect type)
Damage, limiting the enemy, auxiliary friendly class, call class, displacement, composite, and change the game mechanics
(of course a skill often could not only one effect, but the main effect is only one)
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