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Turning binary into PDF in Ruby on Rails


I'm integrating with a third party ID verification provider. Once the ID verification checks have run a report is generated, which I can access with a get request.

The response is binary text (screenshot attached), which I want to save to a PDF file.


def generate_pdf
  resources = "applicants/61f84499b7b92f00014d5c6d/summary/report?report=applicantReport"
  response = RestClient.get(request_env_url(resources), signed_header(resources, nil, 'GET', 'application/pdf'))

  puts response

How do I take the binary response, create a new file and add the binary into that file in a friendly and readable format?


CodePudding user response:

If you can access a filesystem, you might just want to write that data to a file:

File.open("thing.pdf", "wb") { |f| f.write response }
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