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Hadoop snapshot difference problem


Meet a hadoop snapshot problems, common snapshot, I removed the two large files, you create a snapshot, why the last snapshot is not compared to the content, please guide, file:///C:\Users\nantian\AppData\Local\Temp\WML ` ZUS $8 ncvu (% 7 m % 5 vuji. GIF thank you

Operation process is as follows:
Master:/MNT/HGFS/tmp> HDFS DFS - LSR/snapshot. The snapshot
LSR: DEPRECATED: both Please use 'ls -r' home.
16/10/27 01:58:09 WARN util. NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load the native - hadoop library for your platform... Using the builtin - Java classes where applicable
DRWXR - xr - x - hadoop its 0 01:02/snapshot/2016-10-27. The snapshot/s20161027-010230.369
DRWXR - xr - x - hadoop its 0 01:24/snapshot/2016-10-27. The snapshot/s20161027-012406.172
DRWXR - xr - x - hadoop its 0 01:26/snapshot/2016-10-27. The snapshot/s20161027-012600.797
Master:/MNT/HGFS/tmp> HDFS DFS - LSR/data1
LSR: DEPRECATED: both Please use 'ls -r' home.
16/10/27 01:58:16 WARN util. NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load the native - hadoop library for your platform... Using the builtin - Java classes where applicable
Rw - r - r - 3 hadoop its 15779309 2016-10-27 01:23/data1/apache - hive - 2.0.0 - SRC. Tar. Gz
DRWXR - xr - x - hadoop its 0 2016-10-26 01:55/data1/data
Rw - r - r - 3 hadoop its 69621760 2016-10-27 01:23/data1/hbase - 1.1.3 - SRC. Tar
Rw - r - r - 3 hadoop its 186354175 2016-10-27 01:25/data1/spark - 2.0.0 - bin - hadoop2.7. TGZ
Master:/MNT/HGFS/tmp> HDFS DFS - rm/data1/apache - hive - 2.0.0 - SRC. Tar. Gz
16/10/27 01:58:35 WARN util. NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load the native - hadoop library for your platform... Using the builtin - Java classes where applicable
16/10/27 01:58:36 INFO fs. TrashPolicyDefault: Namenode trash configuration: Deletion interval=0 minutes, Emptier interval=0 minutes.
Does/data1/apache - hive - 2.0.0 - SRC. Tar. Gz
Master:/MNT/HGFS/tmp> HDFS DFS - rm/data1/spark - 2.0.0 - bin - hadoop2.7. TGZ
16/10/27 01:58:45 WARN util. NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load the native - hadoop library for your platform... Using the builtin - Java classes where applicable
16/10/27 01:58:45 INFO fs. TrashPolicyDefault: Namenode trash configuration: Deletion interval=0 minutes, Emptier interval=0 minutes.
Does/data1/spark - 2.0.0 - bin - hadoop2.7. TGZ
Master:/MNT/HGFS/tmp> Hadoop fs - createSnapshot/snapshot
16/10/27 02:00:09 WARN util. NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load the native - hadoop library for your platform... Using the builtin - Java classes where applicable
Created the snapshot/snapshot/. The snapshot/s20161027-020009.972
Master:/MNT/HGFS/tmp> HDFS DFS - LSR/snapshot. The snapshot
LSR: DEPRECATED: both Please use 'ls -r' home.
16/10/27 02:00:24 WARN util. NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load the native - hadoop library for your platform... Using the builtin - Java classes where applicable
DRWXR - xr - x - hadoop its 0 01:02/snapshot/2016-10-27. The snapshot/s20161027-010230.369
DRWXR - xr - x - hadoop its 0 01:24/snapshot/2016-10-27. The snapshot/s20161027-012406.172
DRWXR - xr - x - hadoop its 0 01:26/snapshot/2016-10-27. The snapshot/s20161027-012600.797
DRWXR - xr - x - hadoop its 0 2:00/snapshot/2016-10-27. The snapshot/s20161027-020009.972

Master:/MNT/HGFS/tmp> HDFS snapshotDiff/snapshot s20161027 010230.369 s20161027 020009.972
16/10/27 02:01:09 WARN util. NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load the native - hadoop library for your platform... Using the builtin - Java classes where applicable
Difference between the snapshot s20161027-010230.369 and the snapshot s20161027 020009.972 under the directory/snapshot:

- no results output, the warrior to explain!
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