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Style SVG stroke with Svelte


I have the following code in Svelte and I am looking to style the stroke color using a CSS class name (text-error and text-success instead of #ff5722 and #10b759, respectively).

Is this possible?

I would rather not define the exact color in the component, but let the theme decide through the CSS class (DaisyUI).

New to Svelte, latest versions of everything.

    let isStreaming = false;

    function toggleStreaming() {
        isStreaming = !isStreaming;

<div >
    <button on:click={toggleStreaming} >
        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
             viewBox="0 0 24 24"
             stroke="{isStreaming ? '#ff5722': '#10b759'}" <!-- this part -->
            <path stroke-width="2"
                  d="{isStreaming ? 'M18.364 18.364A9 9 0 005.636 5.636m12.728 12.728A9 9 0 015.636 5.636m12.728 12.728L5.636 5.636' : 'M13 16h-1v-4h-1m1-4h.01M21 12a9 9 0 11-18 0 9 9 0 0118 0z'}">
        {isStreaming ? 'Kill' : 'Stream'}

CodePudding user response:

Since Daisy UI is just a Tailwind plugin you can do this the same way you would in Tailwind: By adding stroke-current to the SVG and changing the text color of the button (like you're already doing).

<svg ... >...

Here's a Svelte REPL using the Daisy UI CDN and your example with that single change https://svelte.dev/repl/814fd418f164491fbf97d39528cde2d3?version=3.46.3

CodePudding user response:

You can add the class like you do on the button

<... >

or via the class: directive >> REPL
("...but let the theme decide through the CSS class" The stroke must be defined on the class - that's the case in the theme? Otherwise there might be variables which might be used...)

    .text-success {
        stroke: #10b759;
    .text-error {
        stroke: #ff5722;
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