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Pester 5 mocking and beforediscovery


trying to test a function in pester 5.3.1 (latest) and ps7.2.1

    function Remove-GraphUser
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        foreach ($User in $cloudUsers)
            Remove-MgUser -UserId $User.id

What is the best way to mock the remove-mguser function and test the resulting array of user objects output by the function remove-graphuser

tried this: but it seems to skip mock defined in beforeall.

    BeforeDiscovery {
    $cloud = Import-Csv $PSScriptRoot\files\cloud.csv
    $result = Remove-GraphUser -cloud $cloud -Verbose

Describe 'Remove-GraphUser' -tags 'two' {
    BeforeAll {
        Mock Remove-MgUser {}

    It 'should be called twice' {
        Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-MgUser -Times 2 -Scope describe
    It '<_.id> should be removed from the cloud group' -ForEach $result {
        $_.id | Should -Not -Be $null

this does not work either(the foreach it block is skipped but assert-mock runs)

    BeforeAll {
    Mock Remove-MgUser {}
    $cloud = Import-Csv $PSScriptRoot\files\umbrella1_cloud.csv
    $result = remove-graphuser -cloud $cloud -Verbose

Want to be able to mock remove-mggraphuser because i dont want to actually remove users just test the logic and also be able to iterate over the $result variable using -Foreach.

the $result variable contains pscustomobjects with id and displayname properties. I am tsting the function with 2 such objects.

 $cloudusers = @([pscustomobject]@{id=1;displayname="john"}, 

Update: I think I need to change the way i am testing the data so closing this

CodePudding user response:

-ForEach is processed during the Discovery-phase, while BeforeAll is processed later during the Run-phase so the solution is to use a foreach loop inside the it block.

BeforeDiscovery {
$cloud = Import-Csv $PSScriptRoot\files\cloud.csv
$result = Remove-GraphUser -cloud $cloud -Verbose


Describe 'Remove-GraphUser' -tags 'two' {
BeforeAll {
    Mock Remove-MgUser {}

It 'should be called twice' {
    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-MgUser -Times 2 -Scope describe
It user should be removed from the cloud group' -ForEach $result {
   foreach ($index in $result)
        $index.id | Should -Not -Be $null
        $index.ad_id | Should -Be $null

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