Similar questions on SO, but mine's a bit unique. I want to limit an input text field to 9 characters in length (currently solved with maxlength attribute), only allow typing in numeric values and the hyphen character. Sort of handled with this code returning "True":
Where I'm stuck is I want the input text field to auto-format the value as the user types in the format:
Where it's 5 digits (may have leading zeros or not depending on how user inputs it), followed by a hyphen, then always 3 digits. I'd like it to pad the first 5 with zeros if user enters something like "123-495" manually, so it would become "00123-495".
I'm not sure how to add in the auto-zero padding, or placement of the hyphen automatically.
Not opposed to using jQuery, but would prefer vanilla.
EDIT: Thought it might be useful to add. This is for an access card number entry box. So value will always be a positive number, and will always have 3 digits after the single hyphen. The card number will always be 5-digits in length, but again, may be padded with zeros to make it that length. Ideal output should always be "xxxxx-xxx".
EDIT 2: This seems to work, but there's an issue where user can enter non-numeric characters at first and after the 1st entry, only then does it clear it out. It also doesn't seem to let me hit backspace past the hyphen... There a way to prevent it from allowing alpha characters completely?
// Restricts input for the given textbox to the given inputFilter function.
function setInputFilter(textbox, inputFilter) {
["input", "keydown", "keyup", "mousedown", "mouseup", "select", "contextmenu", "drop"].forEach(function(event) {
textbox.addEventListener(event, function() {
if (inputFilter(this.value)) {
// Current value
new_val = '';
if (this.value.includes('-') && this.value.slice(this.value.indexOf('-')).length == 4) {
console.log("Value not hyphenated yet");
pad_needed = 5 - this.value.indexOf('-');
console.log('Pad needed: ' pad_needed);
new_val = this.value.padStart(9, '0');
this.value = new_val;
} else if (this.value.length >= 5 && this.value.includes('-') && this.value.slice(this.value.indexOf('-')).length == 4) {
if (this.value.slice(5, 1) == '-') {
// Already a hyphen added, just add rest of numbers
new_val = this.value.slice(0, 6) this.value.slice(6);
} else {
// Needs hyphen added
new_val = this.value.slice(0, 5) '-' this.value.slice(6);
this.value = new_val;
} else if (this.value.length >= 5 && !this.value.includes('-')) {
// Needs hyphen added
new_val = this.value.slice(0, 5) '-' this.value.slice(6);
this.value = new_val;
this.oldValue = this.value;
this.oldSelectionStart = this.selectionStart;
this.oldSelectionEnd = this.selectionEnd;
} else if (this.hasOwnProperty("oldValue")) {
this.value = this.oldValue;
this.setSelectionRange(this.oldSelectionStart, this.oldSelectionEnd);
} else {
this.value = "";
setInputFilter(document.getElementById("card-number"), function(value) {
return /^\d*\-?\d*$/.test(value); // Allow digits and '-' only
CodePudding user response:
function getSanitizedInputValue(value) {
value = value
.replace(/^[-] /, '')
.replace(/[-] /, '-');
let [
] = (value.match(/[-\d] /g) ?? [])
let joiner = '';
if (first.length >= 6) {
joiner = '-';
first = first.slice(0, 5);
} else if (rest.length >= 1) {
joiner = '-';
first = first.padStart(5, '0');
return [
function handleInput({ currentTarget: control }) {
let { selectionStart, selectionEnd } = control;
const value = getSanitizedInputValue(control.value);
const maxLength = value.length;
control.value = getSanitizedInputValue(value);
control.selectionStart = Math.min(maxLength, selectionStart);
control.selectionEnd = Math.min(maxLength, selectionEnd);
.addEventListener('input', handleInput);
<input type="text" maxlength="9" />
CodePudding user response:
const phone = "123-495"
const fixed = phone.replace(/(\d )\-?(\d{3})/g, function (match, p1, p2) {
const zero = 5 - p1.length;
for (let z = 0; z < zero; z ) {
p1 = 0 p1;
return `${p1}-${p2}`;