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Failing to use the GTK3Agg Matplotlib backend in Jupyter Notebook


I'm working with Jupyter Notebook (Python 3.9.7, Matplotlib 3.4.3, Anaconda 4.11.0). I'm trying to use the following Matplotlib custom configurations in a Jupyter Notebook:

backend                 :  GTK3Agg    

savefig.dpi             :   300
savefig.format          :   pdf

figure.figsize          :   4,4

xtick.top               :   True
ytick.right             :   True
xtick.minor.visible     :   True
ytick.minor.visible     :   True
ytick.direction         :   in
xtick.direction         :   in
xtick.major.size        :   6  # default 3.5
ytick.major.size        :   6  # default 3.5
xtick.minor.size        :   3  # default 2 
ytick.minor.size        :   3  # default 2 

xtick.major.width       :   0.6  # default 0.8
ytick.major.width       :   0.6  # default 0.8
xtick.minor.width       :   0.6  # default 0.6
ytick.minor.width       :   0.6  # default 0.6
axes.linewidth          :   0.6  # default 0.8  
lines.linewidth         :   0.6  # default 1.5 
lines.markeredgewidth   :   0.3  # default 1

xtick.major.pad         :   4  # default 3.5
ytick.major.pad         :   4  # default 3.5 
xtick.minor.pad         :   4  # default 3.5 
ytick.minor.pad         :   4  # default 3.5 

legend.frameon          :   False
legend.handletextpad    :   0.5

text.usetex             :  True     
text.latex.preamble     :  \usepackage{cmbright}

by adding a matplotlibrc file with such content to the directory I'm working in. But I always get the following error when I try to plot something with pyplot:

RuntimeError: latex was not able to process the following string:

Here is the full report generated by latex:
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019/Debian) (preloaded format=latex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode

LaTeX2e <2020-02-02> patch level 2
L3 programming layer <2020-02-14>
Document Class: article 2019/12/20 v1.4l Standard LaTeX document class

! LaTeX Error: File `cmbright.sty' not found.

Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)

Enter file name: 
! Emergency stop.
<read *> 
l.12 \makeatletter
No pages of output.

A collegue seems to have the same libraries with the same versions and everything works fine for him. My understanding is that the error I get is related to the latex compiler with the GTK3Agg backend. Like my collegue, I've installed the cairo 1.16.0, latex 0.7.0. What am I doing wrong? I feel that something here is missing.

CodePudding user response:

The issue is not with python, matplotlib or jupyter-notebook, but a LaTeX issue:

LaTeX Error: File `cmbright.sty' not found.

The solution is to install the needed .sty file. In this case, you can either download and extract it from CTAN or you install the package texlive-fonts-extra

sudo apt install texlive-fonts-extra
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