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grep a file process the output to variable


I have a file with under 200 entries, they are not really uniform but with a grep before and after command I can get client data. Here is what the output of the command
grep -i -b -A4 " Type : Client" sample.txt

Index     : 11
Type      : Client, Disk Proxy Client
Location  : 192.1680.11
Up Time   : 0d 0h 25m
Revision  : 6.3.1

Index     : 12
Type      : Client
Location  : 192.1680.12
Up Time   : 0d 0h 25m
Revision  : 7.0.1

Index     : 56
Type      : Client
Location  :
Up Time   : 0d 0h 25m
Revision  : 5.3.1

I want to run a while/for loop and separate each line into a variable to then push these values to database.

As a sample of getting I can get the "Location" for each grep result I can use this. I would like to put this in a script and grab all the output in to individual variables.
cat sample.txt |grep -i -b -A4 "Type" |while read client; do echo "$client" |grep Location |awk '{print $4}'; done

But if I try to put the same command into a multi-line script it gets processed as individual lines.
I would like to do more grep/sed..etc to get


fake sql query
sql -update .... $index,$type,$location

CodePudding user response:

It seems like this might be what you're trying to do:

$ cat tst.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash

while IFS= read -r rec; do
     echo sql -update .... "$rec"
done < <(
    awk '
        BEGIN {
            FS = "[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*"
            OFS = ","
        $1 ~ /^(Index|Type|Location)/ {
            rec = rec sep $2
            sep = OFS
        !NF {
            print rec
            rec = sep = ""
        END {
            print rec
    ' "${@:--}"

$ ./tst.sh sample.txt
sql -update .... 11,Client, Disk Proxy Client,192.1680.11
sql -update .... 12,Client,192.1680.12
sql -update .... 56,Client,

or if you really want 3 separate shell variables for some reason then:

$ cat tst.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash

while IFS=':' read -r index type location; do
     echo sql -update .... "$index,$type,$location"
done < <(
    awk '
        BEGIN {
            FS = "[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*"
            OFS = ":"
        $1 ~ /^(Index|Type|Location)/ {
            rec = rec sep $2
            sep = OFS
        !NF {
            print rec
            rec = sep = ""
        END {
            print rec
    ' "${@:--}"

Remove the echo and fix the sql query if I'm right, otherwise update your question with more complete requirements and more truly representative sample input/output.

Note that the above is directly using sample.txt as input, not the output of your existing grep command, we're no longer using that.

CodePudding user response:

If sed is an option and your expected output is correct (lower case as well as client being chopped at the ,), you can try this;

$ sed '/Up/{N;d};s/\([[:alnum:]]\ \)[^[:alnum:]]*\([^,]*\).*/\L\1=\2/' file


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