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The correct django3.0 jump to the home page after login


According to "Python from entry to practice", input your user name password and then click the login error, which help to look at, I am 3.0.4 Django, Python version 3.8

NoReverseMatch ats/users/login/

Reverse for 'index' not found. 'index' is not a valid view function or the pattern name.

The Request Method: POST
The Request URL:
Django Version: 3.0.4
The Exception Type: NoReverseMatch
The Exception Value:

Reverse for 'index' not found. 'index' is not a valid view function or the pattern name.

The Exception Location: D: \ Work \ python \ leaming_log \ ll_env \ lib \ site - packages, django, urls, resolvers. Py in _reverse_with_prefix, line 677
The Python Executable: D: \ Work \ Python \ leaming_log \ ll_env \ Scripts \ Python exe
Python Version: 3.8.0
Python Path:

[' D: \ \ Work \ \ python \ \ leaming_log ',
'C: \ \ Users \ \ Administrator \ \ AppData \ \ Local \ \ designed \ \ Python \ \ Python38 \ \ Python38 zip',
'C: \ \ Users \ \ Administrator \ \ AppData \ \ Local \ \ designed \ \ \ \ Python Python38 \ \ DLLs',
'C: \ \ Users \ \ Administrator \ \ AppData \ \ Local \ \ designed \ \ \ \ Python Python38 \ \ lib',
'C: \ \ Users \ \ Administrator \ \ AppData \ \ Local \ \ designed \ \ Python \ \ Python38',
'D: \ \ Work \ \ \ \ python leaming_log \ \ ll_env',
'D: \ \ Work \ \ \ \ python leaming_log \ \ ll_env \ \ lib \ \ site - packages']

Server time: Monday, March 16 2020 22:28:19 + 0800

Another post code:
The login. The HTML
{% extends "learning_logs/base. HTML" %}

{% block content %}

{% if form. Errors %}

Your username and password didn 't match. Both Please try again. & lt;/p>
Endif {% %}

{% csrf_token %}
{{form. As_p}}

{% endblock content %}

Learning_logs/views. Py
The from the django. Shortcuts import render
The from the django. HTTP import HttpResponseRedirect
# the from django. Core. Urlresolvers import reverse
The from the django. Urls import reverse

From the models import Topic, Entry
From the forms the import TopicForm, EntryForm

Def index (request) :
"" "learning notes page "" "
Return render (request, 'learning_logs/index. HTML)

Learning_logs/urls. Py
"" "define learning_logs url patterns "","

The from the django. Conf. Urls import url
The from the django. Urls import path

From the import views

# page
Path (' views. The index, name='index'),
# url (r '^ $' views. The index, name=' index '),

# show all theme
# url (r '^ switchable viewer/$', views, switchable viewer, name=' switchable viewer '),
Path (' switchable viewer/' views. Switchable viewer, name='switchable viewer'),

# a particular theme detail page
# url (r '^ switchable viewer/? PPath (' switchable viewer/& lt; Topic_id & gt;/'views. The topic, the name=' topic '),

# to add a new theme page
# url (r '^ new_topic/$', views. New_topic, name=' new_topic '),
Path (' new_topic/' views. New_topic, name='new_topic'),

# to add a new entry page
# url (r '^ new_entry/? PPath (' new_entry/& lt; Topic_id & gt;/'views. New_entry, name=' new_entry '),

# to edit entry page
# url (r '^ edit_entry/? PPath (' edit_entry/& lt; The entry_id & gt;/'views. Edit_entry, name=' edit_entry '),

CodePudding user response:

Reverse for 'index' not found. 'index' is not a valid view function or the pattern name.

The index is a reserved word, cannot be used to do the function name

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor tianfang response:
Reverse for 'index' not found. 'index' is not a valid view function or the pattern name.
The index is a reserved word, cannot be used to do the function name

Should not the problem, I didn't do when logging jump is good, is to open the web site before the default is in the index. The HTML page, is that

CodePudding user response:

Form the action you use/users/login/

I use django 2.2, is available accounts/login/admin/login

CodePudding user response:

From the point of error, should be the login template page. The inside of the HTML {% url 'learning_logs: index' %} have problems
But you don't have the whole code complete, don't know where there is a problem, you can try to use the method to troubleshoot the problem, rather than put these pieces of code a wait for someone else to help you see
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