Like this when x is 1000 and y becomes 0.1 and when x is 2000 and y becomes 0.2 like that in php. Please help me if you are a good at can see in here as an example
CodePudding user response:
It seems clear that one variable depends on the other.
Maybe your best course of action would be to encapsulate that logic in a class; something as follows (please keep in mind I did not work on PHP since long time ago so the syntax might be wrong):
class MyX() {
private $value: int = 0;
public function setValue($value: int) : void {
$this->value = $value;
public function getY(): float {
return round($this->value / 10000, 10);
$x = new MyX();
By leveraging magic methods you might get something easier to use. But the main idea is still to keep all logic in a single place.
CodePudding user response:
if there is a certain ratio between x and y like in your example y=(x/10000). Why you are not just doing simple math in php. $y = $x/10000
where $x is set by you and $y is set by this formulation. If the $y
is already set, you can just, re-set it with the same formula which overwrites previous set value. If I understand you properly.
EDIT UPON COMMENT BELOW: Try this simple function below. Check the demo
function so_set_y($x){
return floor($x/1000)/10;