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How do I work with an array object in PHP?


I have a Laravel site I am modifying, but there are some parts of the PHP code I don't quite understand, which are "array objects" or "object arrays". You see, I don't even know what to call them and so can't find a tutorial or basic data on it. Below is the code that I am dealing with:

 private function parseMetric($result, $view)
        $data = collect([]);

        $result->each(function($item) use ($data, $view) {
            if (isset($item->metric->{$view})) {
                    'label' => $item->metric->{$view},
                    'value' => $item->metric->count

From what I can tell, this creates an object out of $result. If I json_encode this and echo it out I get this:

{"label":"1mm ","value":1281},

Now this is obviously an array of arrays... or is it? Is it an array of objects? Or is it an object containing arrays? But the most important question is, how do I access and move or change the individual objects/arrays in this object? For example, I want to take the second object/array, which is:

{"label":"1mm ","value":1281}

and move it to the end. How do I do that? How do I find it? I used the following piece of code to find it which is pretty clunky:

$pos = strpos(json_encode($result), '1mm ');
            Log::debug('Enrich 73, I found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');

And once I find it, how do I move that array/object to the end of the whole object?

And finally, where can I find some kind of tutorial, or documentation, that describes this construct and how to work with it?

CodePudding user response:

There is no need to json_encode the data. Since the data is an instance of Laravel Collection, you can manipulate it like so

$item = $data->firstWhere('label', '1mm '); // get the item
$data = $data->filter(fn($value, $key) => $value->label !== '1mm ') // remove $item from $data
             ->push($item); // move $item to the end of data

CodePudding user response:

Acording to Laravel documnentation for Collections, you can try something like this :

To find index of element with name = "1mm " :

$index = $datas->search(function ($item, $key) {
    return $item['name'] == "1mm ";

to get an element at a given index : $element = $datas->get($index);

to Move element at index 3 to the end :

$index = 3 
$elementToMove = $data->splice($index, 1);

Here is a link to the document used : https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/collections

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