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High performance series library FlatBuffers


FlatBuffers is Google for games and mobile applications and development of open source, cross-platform serialization library, support for c + +, Java, c #, Go, Python and JavaScript language, such as 500 million smartphones in China, the majority of low-end equipment, in the case of CPU and memory are limited, can develop high performance and low memory footprint of the Android program determines your application user coverage and retention rates,

FlatBuffers advantages:
1. The parsing speed;
2. Memory footprint is small;
3. Small code base;
4. Strong type;
5. Very flexible;

Many developers in the application to use JSON, JSON, although there are a lot of advantages, such as easy to read, flexible, but the shortcomings are obvious, such as the definition of JSON is not efficient, it is difficult to optimize, is too heavy, so the pursuit of high performance usage scenarios and FlatBuffer more lightweight, FlatBuffers than JSON read 400 times faster, than even the Protocal Buffers is 10 times faster, very suitable for game development and mobile applications this scenario of performance requirements is very high, some time ago, Facebook introduced in their Android applications to use the effect after FlatBuffers,
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