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"Opengl super bible (fifth edition)" on a problem


Believe that everyone has the book, if not is also very good to e-books and online code
The fourth chapter example: 112
The code for the fourth chapter: ModelViewProjection
Part of the code is as follows:
M3DMatrix44f mTranslate mRotate, mModelview mModelViewProjection;

//Create a translation matrix to move the torus back and into sight
M3dTranslationMatrix44 (mTranslate, 0.0 f, f, 0.0-2.5 f);

//Create a rotation matrix -based on the current value of yRot
//m3dDegToRad (yRot) for rotating arc
M3dRotationMatrix44 (mRotate m3dDegToRad (yRot), 0.0 f, f 1.0, 0.0 f);

//Add the rotation to the translation, and store the result in mModelView
//here it is after the first translation rotating
M3dMatrixMultiply44 (mTranslate, mRotate);

//Add the modelview matrix to the the projection matrix,
//the final matrix is the ModelViewProjection matrix.
//but here is what is after the first projection, model view changes, should not first model view change, after projection?????????????????????????
M3dMatrixMultiply44 (mModelViewProjection, viewFrustum. GetProjectionMatrix (), mModelview);

Run the program, normal, graphic move first, after the rotation, right after the projected onto the screen, after m3dMatrixMultiply44 function simply a matrix multiplication before a matrix, no judgment,
For several days, everybody help have a look

CodePudding user response:


Take a look at this article, the main means of opengl matrix using column, when mat vector vec and matrix multiplication,
Directx: result=vec * mat;
Opengl: result=mat * vec;

LianCheng, near the vertex transformation to realize
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