Home > other >  Used on STC12C5A pulsesensor, the program is available but still have error rate
Used on STC12C5A pulsesensor, the program is available but still have error rate


Program can be run on a single chip, but there is a lot of heart rate error, just put finger module data is normal, but moments later reached 200 (maximum), don't know how to solve the
Please teach a great god,
The code below

://MCU STC12C5A60S2
//ADC PIN: P1.0
//the SYSTEM CLOCK: 11.0592 MHz
//Baudrate: 115200
//UART: P3.0 P3.1
//* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *//
# include "stdio.h"

# define false 0
# define true 1
11059200 l//# define FOSC system clock
115200//# define BAUD BAUD rate
# define T0MS (65536 - FOSC/12/500)//500 hz in 12 t MODE

# define ADC_SPEEDLL 0 x00//540 CLOCKS
# define ADC_SPEEDL 0 x20//360 CLOCKS
# define ADC_SPEEDH 0 x40//180 CLOCKS
# define ADC_SPEEDHH 0 x60//90 CLOCKS
# define ADC_MASK 0 x01

Void UART_init (void);
Void ADC_init (unsigned char channel);
Void T0_init (void); Dat);
Void UART_send (char dat);

Unsigned char PulsePin=0;//Pulse Sensor purple wire connected to analog pin 0 (P1.0 to AD)
Sbit blinkPin=P2 ^ 0;//pin to blink the led at each beat
Sbit fadePin=P2 ^ 3;//pin to do fancy classy fading blink at each beat
Sbit led1=P2 ^ 1;
Sbit led2=P2 ^ 2;
Int fadeRate=0;//2 to fade the LED on with PWM on fadePin

//these variables are volatile because they are 2 during the interrupt service routine. These variables is variable, because they are used in the interrupt service routine!
Volatile unsigned int BPM;//2 to hold the pulse rate to keep the pulse frequency
Volatile unsigned int Signal;//doesn the incoming raw data, save the incoming raw data
Volatile unsigned int IBI=600;//doesn the time between beats, must be seeded. Keep the rhythm, the time between the seeds must be!
Volatile bit Pulse=false;//true when pulse wave is high, false when it 's low pulse wave is true, when high pulse wave low false
Volatile bit QS=false;//becomes true when Arduoino finds a beat. When Arduoino find a rhythm, becomes a true
Volatile int rate [10].//an array to hold the last ten IBI values array to hold the last 10 IBI value
Volatile unsigned long sampleCounter=0;//2 to determine pulse timing used to determine the pulse timing
Volatile unsigned long lastBeatTime=0;//2 to find IBI looking for IBI
Volatile int Peak=512;//2 to find peak in pulse wave, seeded used to find the peak value of pulse wave, seed
Volatile int Trough=512;//2 to find trough in pulse wave, seeded for finding pulse wave in the troughs, seed
Volatile int thresh=512;//2 to find instant moment of heart beat, seeded to look for the seeds of instantaneous heart
Volatile int amp=100;//2 to hold amplitude of pulse waveform, seeded to help maintain the amplitude of the pulse shape, seed
Volatile bit firstBeat=true;//2 to seed rate array so we startup with reasonable BPM array used to seed rate, so we start the reasonable BPM
Volatile bit secondBeat=false;//2 to seed rate array so we startup with reasonable BPM array used to seed rate, so we start the reasonable BPM
The static unsigned char order=0;

Unsigned char code ucForum0 []="Pulsesensor test".
Unsigned char code ucForum1 []="BPM:";
Unsigned char DisBuff [4]={0};

Void sys_init ()
UART_init ();//we have something to talk fast!
ADC_init (PulsePin);
T0_init ();//sets up to read Pulse Sensor signal every 2 ms
LCD1602_Init();//LCD initialization

Void main (void)
Sys_init ();
LCD1602_DisplayString (ucForum0);//display the contents of the
LCD1602_MoveToPosition (1, 0);//display position to move to the specified location
LCD1602_DisplayString (ucForum1);//display the contents of the
While (1)
SendDataToProcessing (' S ', Signal);//send Processing the raw Pulse Sensor data sent to deal with the original Pulse Sensor data
If (QS==true) {//Quantified Self flag is true when the arduino finds a heartbeat Quantified Self flag is true
FadeRate=255;//Set 'fadeRate Variable to 255 to fade the LED with pulse will "fadeRate" Variable is Set to 255, the LED with pulse out
SendDataToProcessing (' B ', BPM);//send heart rate with a 'B' prefix to send with "B" prefix heart rate
SendDataToProcessing (' Q ', IBI);//the send time between beats with a 'Q' prefix sent between the beat time with "Q" prefix
QS=false;//reset the Quantified Self flag for next time for the next untap Quantified Self sign
LCD1602_MoveToPosition (1, 9);
LCD1602_DisplayString (DisBuff);

//ledFadeToBeat ();

Delay (138);//take a break of 19.6 ms


//void ledFadeToBeat () {
//fadeRate -=15;//set value set LED LED fade out value
//fadeRate=constrain (fadeRate, 0255);//keep the LED fade value from going into negative Numbers. Keep the LED attenuation values are not turned negative!
//analogWrite (fadePin fadeRate);//fade LED away

Void sendDataToProcessing (char symbol, int dat) {
Putchar (symbol);//symbol prefix tells Processing what type of data is what kind of data is processed by the prefix "coming symbols tell
Printf (" % d \ r \ n ", dat);//the data to send culminating in a carriage return to enter the end of the data sending

Void UART_init (void)
PCON & amp;=0 x7f;//baud rate not 2 x
SCON=0 x50;//8 bits of data, variable baud rate
BRT=0 XFD;//independent baud rate generator initial
AUXR |=0 x04;//the clock mode is set to 1 t
AUXR |=0 x01;//select independent baud rate generator
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