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Conversion of Infix expression to Postfix


Below is the program i have written to convert a infix expression to postfix. It does give an output but its not always the right one. For example if we input the expression A B*C-D/F G , the expected output is ABC* DF/G - but rather the program outputs AB C*D-F/G . What is the problem in the program.

using namespace std;
int prec(char oper){
    if(oper == '^')
      return 3;
    else if(oper == '*' || '/')
      return 2;
    else if(oper == ' ' || '-')
      return 1;
      return -1;
string itp(string s){
  stack<char> stack;
  string output = "";
  int num = s.length();
  for(int i = 0 ; i < num ; i  ){
    char ch = s[i];
    if((ch>='a' && ch<='z')||(ch>='A' && ch<='Z')||(ch>='0' && ch<='9'))
      output = output   ch;
    else if(ch == '(')
    else if(ch == ')'){
        output = output   stack.top();
      while(!stack.empty() && prec(s[i]) <= prec(stack.top())){
        output = output   stack.top();
  while (!stack.empty()) {
  output = output   stack.top();
  return output;
int main(){
  string question;
  cout<<"Enter the infix expression : ";
    cin >> question;
    cout<<endl<<"Postfix expression : "<<itp(question);
    return 0;

CodePudding user response:


else if(oper == '*' || '/')

you are using || wrongly. If you consider operator precedence (https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/operator_precedence) you will see that == has higher rank than ||, hence it is parsed as

else if( (oper == '*') || '\')

The first part will evaluate to true or false but as \ is not equal to 0, it will be true always, hence in total the condition is true always.

What you want is

 else if( oper=='*' || oper=='\') 
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