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Understanding Sorted Square Algorithm


I'm currently having difficulty understanding the following logic for Sorted Square Algorithm. I listed the code in question. Could someone help me break down the logic for the following algorithm?

func sortedSquareAlgorithm(_ array: [Int]) -> [Int] {
    //Initilizing Empty Array.
    //?? variable sortedSquares initilizing empty tupil ??
    var sortedSquares = Array(repeating: 0, count: array.count)
    //Pointers are initilized for left and right side of array
    var smallerValueIdx = 0
    var largeValueIdx = array.count - 1
    // stride method is initilized
    //?? what is this line codes purpose? ??
    for idx in stride(from: array.count - 1, through: 0, by: -1) {
        //constant variale is declared for each pointer
        let smallerValue = array[smallerValueIdx]
        let largerValue = array[largeValueIdx]
        //?? what is abs in this line code ??
        if abs(smallerValue) > abs(largerValue) {
            sortedSquares[idx] = smallerValue * smallerValue
            smallerValueIdx  = 1
        } else {
            sortedSquares[idx] = largerValue * largerValue
            largeValueIdx -= 1
    return sortedSquares

CodePudding user response:

I have added comments to the each line of the code.

func sortedSquareAlgorithm(_ array: [Int]) -> [Int] {
    /* Initialising an empty array.
       Array size is equal to the size of the input array.
       Array contains value 0 in all the places.
    var sortedSquares = Array(repeating: 0, count: array.count)
    // pointer for the first element of the array.
    var smallerValueIdx = 0
    //pointer for the last element of the array
    var largeValueIdx = array.count - 1

    // stride returns a sequence from a starting value toward, and possibly including, an end value, stepping by the specified amount.
    for idx in stride(from: array.count - 1, through: 0, by: -1) {
        //assign the first element of the input array to smallerValue
        let smallerValue = array[smallerValueIdx]
        //assign the last element of the input array to smallerValue
        let largerValue = array[largeValueIdx]
        //abs -> returns the absolute value of the given number.
        /* Square values of all positive and negative numbers are positive.
            So you have to compare the absolute number of each element to decide which has the larger square value.
        if abs(smallerValue) > abs(largerValue) {
            //if the smallerValue is largest among two the squre of that will be added to the end of the unsorted array.
            //smallerValue * smallerValue gives the square value of that smallerValue
            sortedSquares[idx] = smallerValue * smallerValue
            smallerValueIdx  = 1
        } else {
            //if the smallerValue is smallest among two the squre of that will be added to the beginning of the unsorted array.
            sortedSquares[idx] = largerValue * largerValue
            largeValueIdx -= 1

    return sortedSquares

Following is an explanation of how the algorithm will work if the array [3, -1, 5] is given as the input


 input_array = [3, -1, 5]

 sortedSquares = [0,0,0]
 smallerValueIdx = 0
 largeValueIdx = 2
 idx will return the sequence [2,1,0]
 inside for loop
    iteration 1 ---> idx = 2
        smallerValue = array[0] = 3
        largerValue = array[2] = 5
        abs(3) > abs(5) ---> 3 > 5 ---> false //so else part will execute
        sortedSquares[2] ---> 5 * 5 = 25
        largeValueIdx = 2-1 = 1
        // after the 1st iteration sortedSquares = [0,0,25]
     iteration 2 ---> idx = 1

         smallerValue = array[0] = 3
         largerValue = array[1] = -1

         abs(3) > abs(-1) ---> 3 > 1 ---> true //so if part will execute

         sortedSquares[1] ---> 3 * 3 = 9
         smallerValue = 0 1 = 1

         // after the 2nd iteration sortedSquares = [0,9,25]

     iteration 3 ---> idx = 0

         smallerValue = array[1] = -1
         largerValue = array[1] = -1

         abs(-1) > abs(-1) ---> 1 > 1 ---> false //so else part will execute

         sortedSquares[0] ---> -1 * -1 = 1
         largeValueIdx = 1-1 = 0

         // after the 3rd iteration sortedSquares = [1,9,25]

 end of for loop
 returns sortedSquares = [1,9,25]


you can also get the required out put using the following code.

let array = [-1,2,5,3,-2]
let squaredArray = array.map({ number in number * number }).sorted()

I did not compare the performance of both codes. But this one looks more simpler to me.

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