I have a mesh system for a MMO and it's uses A* to find paths. Occasionally it fails because I have nodes that are badly placed. To fix this, I made a mesh visualiser. It works OKish - I can see that some nodes are badly placed. But I can't see which nodes.
Here is my code to show the nodes:
foreach (var node in FormMap.Nodes)
var x1 = (node.Point.X * sideX);
var y1 = (node.Point.Y * sideY);
var x = x1 - nodeWidth / 2;
var y = y1 - nodeWidth / 2;
var brs = Brushes.Black;
//if (node.Visited)
// brs = Brushes.Red;
if (node == FormMap.StartNode)
brs = Brushes.DarkOrange;
if (node == FormMap.EndNode)
brs = Brushes.Green;
g.FillEllipse(brs, (float)x, (float)y, nodeWidth, nodeWidth);
I know I can redo this and make thousands of small buttons and add events for them but that seems overkill.
Is there any way I can add tooltips to the nodes I am painting on the panel?
CodePudding user response:
Yes, you can show a tooltip for your nodes that you have drawn on the drawing surface. To do so, you need to do the followings:
- Implement hit-testing for your node, so you can get the node under the mouse position.
- Create a timer and In mouse move event handler of the drawing surface, do hit-testing to find the hot item. If the hot node is not same as the current hot node, you stop the timer, otherwise, if there's a new hot item you start the timer.
- In the timer tick event handler, check if there's a hot item, show the tooltip and stop the time.
- In the mouse leave event of the drawing surface, stop the timer.
And here is the result, which shows tooltip for some points in a drawing:
The above algorithm, is being used in internal logic of ToolStrip control to show tooltip for the tool strip items (which are not control). So without wasting a lot of windows handle, and using a single parent control and a single tooltip, you can show tooltip for as many nodes as you want.
Code Example - Show Tooltip for some points in a drawing
Here is the drawing surface:
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
public class DrawingSurface : Control
public List<Node> Nodes { get; }
public DrawingSurface()
Nodes = new List<Node>();
ResizeRedraw = true;
DoubleBuffered = true;
toolTip = new ToolTip();
mouseHoverTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
mouseHoverTimer.Enabled = false;
mouseHoverTimer.Interval = SystemInformation.MouseHoverTime;
mouseHoverTimer.Tick = mouseHoverTimer_Tick;
private void mouseHoverTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
mouseHoverTimer.Enabled = false;
if (hotNode != null)
var p = hotNode.Location;
p.Offset(16, 16);
toolTip.Show(hotNode.Name, this, p, 2000);
private System.Windows.Forms.Timer mouseHoverTimer;
private ToolTip toolTip;
Node hotNode;
protected override void onm ouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
var node = Nodes.Where(x => x.HitTest(e.Location)).FirstOrDefault();
if (node != hotNode)
mouseHoverTimer.Enabled = false;
hotNode = node;
if (node != null)
mouseHoverTimer.Enabled = true;
protected override void onm ouseLeave(EventArgs e)
hotNode = null;
mouseHoverTimer.Enabled = false;
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
if (Nodes.Count >= 2)
Nodes.Select(x => x.Location).ToArray());
foreach (var node in Nodes)
node.Draw(e.Graphics, node == hotNode);
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (mouseHoverTimer != null)
mouseHoverTimer.Enabled = false;
if (toolTip != null)
Here is the node class:
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
public class Node
int NodeWidth = 16;
Color NodeColor = Color.Blue;
Color HotColor = Color.Red;
public string Name { get; set; }
public Point Location { get; set; }
private GraphicsPath GetShape()
GraphicsPath shape = new GraphicsPath();
shape.AddEllipse(Location.X - NodeWidth / 2, Location.Y - NodeWidth / 2,
NodeWidth, NodeWidth);
return shape;
public void Draw(Graphics g, bool isHot = false)
using (var brush = new SolidBrush(isHot ? HotColor : NodeColor))
using (var shape = GetShape())
g.FillPath(brush, shape);
public bool HitTest(Point p)
using (var shape = GetShape())
return shape.IsVisible(p);
And here is the example form, which has a drawing surface control on it:
protected override void onl oad(EventArgs e)
drawingSurface1.Nodes.Add(new Node() {
Name = "Node1", Location = new Point(100, 100) });
drawingSurface1.Nodes.Add(new Node() {
Name = "Node2", Location = new Point(150, 70) });
drawingSurface1.Nodes.Add(new Node() {
Name = "Node3", Location = new Point(170, 140) });
drawingSurface1.Nodes.Add(new Node() {
Name = "Node4", Location = new Point(200, 50) });
drawingSurface1.Nodes.Add(new Node() {
Name = "Node5", Location = new Point(90, 160) });