Home > other >  Uniy3D call opencvsharp image. The show () display images, packaging to android, can't display
Uniy3D call opencvsharp image. The show () display images, packaging to android, can't display


Uniy3D call opencvsharp opencvsharp classifier load function: : face_cascade. Load (" haarcascade_frontalface_alt. XML "); This function is a pathname loading, can run on the computer, but after packaging, display cannot identify file, checked the learned that unity after packaging, file load can only be read by WWW, unable to through face_cascade. The load (" haarcascade_frontalface_alt. XML "); Load the file directly, could you tell me whether there is a good method can face_cascade. Load (" haarcascade_frontalface_alt. XML ") load the file directly?
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