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The influence factors of differential pressure transmitter


Hi, little control in the housekeeper come, today we have little knowledge about the differential pressure transmitter, everyone know differential pressure transmitter, along with the progress of the instrument technique, the differential pressure transmitter are towards high precision, intelligent direction, many factors which affect measurement accuracy of differential pressure transmitter, some factors related to the environmental conditions and the installation, today we summarize what factors will affect differential pressure transmitter,

1. The influence of the range than
Range than differential pressure transmitter is to point to in meet the accuracy requirement of the larger value of transmitter can measure with a smaller value than, in general, the greater range than, its measurement precision, the lower the pressure transmitter range than the big, there are many benefits, most of the differential pressure transmitter in 10:1 range than the range, precision is still as a reference, not affected by range than, but there are still quite a number of differential pressure transmitter to ensure the precision of reference range than less than 10:1, this metric and even 3:1 and 2:1; And same type codes of different range of products, to ensure the precision of reference range than may appear very big difference, this is all users in calculating the range than the accuracy of the impact, special attention should be paid when
2. The influence of the temperature
Differential pressure transmitter in the process of application, the process temperature, environment temperature will happen very big change, will certainly to reference when transmitter test condition is different, this also means that performance will be presented with reference to different precision, the influence of temperature on differential pressure transmitter near the big range (i.e., small range ratio) is very small, but in close to a smaller range (than) in a wide range influence is very big, sometimes even beyond our imagination,
3. The influence of static pressure
Similar to the temperature and the influence of the range, the precision of static pressure zero and range of the transmitter also have a material impact, such as capacitive differential pressure transmitter, the transmitter in the process of production technology system to run, almost always influenced by the static pressure, when the operation condition of the static pressure exceeds a certain value, the static pressure affecting the precision of the error will exceed the transmitter itself, the precision of measurement channels for calculation, if add static error, the accuracy requirement may not be able to meet the channel, so check capacitive differential pressure transmitter shall be effect of static correction,
4. Installation Angle of the influence of the transmitter
Installation Angle refers to the transmitter after installation to the scene, the transducer axis and the Angle between the vertical line,
Differential pressure measurement, the detecting element is by testing center measuring the deformation displacement of the diaphragm to sense the pressure difference on both sides, because the center measuring indoor full of filling and filling silicone oil, spreads along the direction perpendicular to the measuring diaphragm surface pressure transmitter, the pump pressure on measuring diaphragm will produce silicone oil itself, cause the deformation of diaphragm, and lead to changes in the output value, while a cop pressure transmitter along with measuring plane parallel to the direction of diaphragm, diaphragm pump silicone oil won't oppression measurement, therefore no effect, different range of the transmitter affected by slope degree, the smaller the range, the greater the impact; A cop when pressure transmitter forward and backward, the output does not change significantly linear and output value, will not affect the normal use; Allowed pressure transmitter to the left or right, the output value will be based on single direction drift Angle, the Angle, the greater the impact is bigger, but not linear have obvious changes,
5. Point the influence of the height difference of measurement point and installation
With the need of the overall design of the industrial field, the differential pressure transmitter can not be installed near the using field measurement point, but by lead pressure pipe pressure to a relatively centralized place, so that the maintenance and management, which can cause point height difference between the measurement point and installation of the led in the pressure tube pressure transfer medium can produce additional pressure due to the difference in height, thus influence, an additional error, the process of industrial applications, due to the medium density tend to be larger, so even smaller height difference, the introduction of additional error is larger,

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