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Station group website baidu optimization


Make sure that each page can be covered by at least a text links to reach;

Important content, should be able to the level of the lighter from the home page or site structure to access;

Reasonable classification of the content of the website, not excessive segmentation,

Site should have a concise, clear navigation, allows users to quickly find his/her needs, but also can help to better understand the structure of the site search engine,

Baidu optimization was built: 2:

For each page with navigation, let users can easily return channel, the home page, also can let the search engine and convenient location in the structure of network level of the web page;

Content more web site, it is recommended to use breadcrumb navigation, it is easier to let users understand the current position: homepage & gt; Channel & gt; The current browsing page;

Use text links in the navigation, not using complex js or flash;

Use images for navigation, you can use the Alt annotations, pointed out by using the Alt tell search engines what is web content,

A reasonable return code

Baidu spiders crawl and processing, is based on HTTP protocol specification to set up the corresponding logic, so please owners try to reference the HTTP protocol on the definition of the meaning of the return code set,

Baiduspider HTTP return codes of commonly used processing logic goes like this:

404 return code means "Not Found", baidu will think web pages have failed, so usually is removed from the search results, and spiders in the short term once again find the URL won't grab,

503 return code is the meaning of "Service Unavailable", baidu will think the page temporarily inaccessible, usually site temporary closure, limited bandwidth will produce this kind of situation, the page back to 503, baidu spiders will not delete the URL directly, will visit again in the short term, if the page has been restored, the normal grab; If continue to return to 503, in the short term will also visit a few times repeatedly, but if the page back to 503 for a long time, then the URL will still be baidu think is broken links, is removed from the search results,

403 return code is the meaning of "Forbidden", baidu will think the current blocking access to web, in this case, if it is a new URL, baidu spiders temporarily not grasping, will check again in the short term; If it is baidu has included the URL, the current will not delete directly, in the short term will also visit again, if allowed to access the web, then the normal grab; If you still are not allowed to access, in the short term will also visit a few times repeatedly, but if the long-term return 403 web pages, baidu will be considered a broken links, is removed from the search results,

301 return code is the meaning of "version Permanently", baidu will think page jump to a new URL, current when the site migration, domain name change and site redesign, it is recommended to use 301 return code, to minimize the changes of flow loss, while baidu spiders with a long cycle response of 301 jump now, but we still recommend you to do so,
Baidu optimization to build 3:

If the site is temporarily closed, when the web page can't open, don't immediately return to 404, it is recommended to use 503, 503 can inform baidu spiders inaccessible when facing the page, please try again after period of time,

If baidu spiders to crawl your site pressure is too big, please try not to use 404, also suggests return 503, baidu spiders will be a period of time to try to grab the link again, if that time site leisure, it will be successfully grabbed,

Some website hope baidu only included parts, such as content after the audit, accumulated for a period of time a new user page, etc., in this case, the suggested new content temporarily back to 403, after review or do processing, returns to normal return code,

When changing site migration, or domain name, please use 301 return code,
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