One part of thinking (after the code) are as follows:
# set the input data data1, data2, convenient after a number of different data2 data to do the same calculations; And data1 data is fixed, cut it into n pieces in this code for n process in parallel:
Class Data1 + 2 () :
Def __init__ (self, data1, data2) :
The from multiprocessing import cpu_count
Self. Ncpu=cpu_count ()/2 # '/2' means double thresds, no '1' caus only 2 CPU in this thinkpad
Self. Data1=data1
The self. The data2=data2
# define process ( is in the process contains a parallel computing ) :
Def def0 (self) :
# cut data1 data into n pieces for parallel computing n process:
For I in range (self. Ncpu) :
Vars () [' data1 + STR (I))={} # define dict 'data1i={}
Data1size=len (self. Data1data)/self ncpu + 1
For the key, xydata1 in self. Data1. The items () :
If len (vars () [' data1 + STR (idata)]) & lt; Data1size - 1:
Vars () [' data1 + STR (idata)] [key]=xydata1
Elif len (vars () [' data1 + STR (idata)])==data1size - 1:
Vars () [' data1 + STR (idata)] [key]=xydata1
Idata +=1
# in order to minimize the repeated operations, the common data save as much as possible into higher order array:
D0=arange (600800, 2)
A0=arange (10,80,2)
D, A=ix_ (d0, A0)
Num_d=d.s considering
Num_a=A.s considering
MAx=reshape (A + d - d, (num_d num_a, 1, 1))
MAy reshape=(A + d, (num_a num_d, 1, 1))
The from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
# define the function of each process:
Def run_process (que, xydata1 xydata2, MAx, MAy) :
Match={} # define a dictionary (results)
#... Calculation process is not here... Results:
Match [key, Mwhere Gwhere]=mind
The result of a # return under the current process:
Que. Put (match)
Que=Queue ()
# start each process:
For idata in range (self. Ncpu) :
Pro=Process (target=run_process, args=(que, self. Gaiadata, vars () [' data '+ STR (idata)], MAx, MAy))
Pro. The start ()
Pro. The join ()
# merge each process results:
For idata in range (self. Ncpu) :
Match=dict (match, * * que. Get (True))
# all return results:
The return match
in different platform test speed:
Is a MAC OS i7 16 G, 2.8 G of 4 nuclear 8 thread thinkpad is Linux CENTOS7 system i5 2.5 G 2 nuclear 4 thread 6 G, otherwise is Dell desktop Linux Ubuntu system 4 core i7 3.9 G 8 thread 16 G;
Have one server is 5 node 100 nuclear, frequency 2.5 G of memory did not know (not use the priority rules, few people use);
Otherwise a small super calculate node 25 500 nuclear, frequency of 2.5 G of memory did not know (rules can only submit ten task, usually no user, the server and hardware knowledge, I know very little, only know to pipe the teacher spoke so)
(1) when the total input data1 is 72: