Home > other >  knitr LaTeX (Rnw file) compiles in TeXShop but fails with UTF-8 error in RStudio
knitr LaTeX (Rnw file) compiles in TeXShop but fails with UTF-8 error in RStudio


On the same machine the knitr LaTeX compilation of the Rnw file below fails in RStudio with Invalid UTF-8 byte "97 LaTeX error; but compiles with TexShop. Here is the source code:



\renewcommand{\Rbackground}{\color[RGB]{253, 246 ,228}}
\renewcommand{\Routbackground}{\color[RGB]{228, 246, 253}}
\definecolor{stringColor}{RGB}{237, 121, 83}
\definecolor{commentColor}{RGB}{204, 70, 120}
\definecolor{linkColor}{RGB}{13, 8, 135}
\definecolor{keywordColor}{RGB}{93, 1, 166}
    language = R,
    breaklines = TRUE,
    frame = single,
    numbers = left,
    numberstyle = \scriptsize,
    numbersep = 5pt,
    framesep = 1pt,
        stepnumber = 2,
    firstnumber = 1,
    stringstyle = \color{stringColor},
    commentstyle = \color{commentColor},
    keywordstyle = \color{keywordColor}

<<setup, include = FALSE, cache = FALSE>>=
    fig.path = 'figure/listings-',
    tidy = TRUE,
    tidy.opts = list(
        blank = FALSE,
        collapse = TRUE,
        arrow = TRUE,
        indent = 2,
        width.cutoff = 60,
        tidy_eval = TRUE


iq <- c(129, 112, 114, 126, 104, 112, 101, 99, 93)
iq <- as_tibble(iq)

Note: It's not clear to me why this doesn't compile without the lines



since they seem irrelevant to the issue

Here is an image of the output from TeXShop:

output of compilation with TeXShop

CodePudding user response:

The problem seems to be the × in the intermediate .tex file.

You can avoid the problem by choosing an unicode aware engine, like lualatex or xelatex, to compile your document:

enter image description here

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