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Report frequency for multiple variables in a dataframe in R


I have a dataframe with data from a survey. I would like to produce a report in table format with the frequencies of each variable.

So working with the dataset mtcars, having this:

> count(mtcars, cyl)
  cyl  n
1   4 11
2   6  7
3   8 14
> count(mtcars, gear)
  gear  n
1    3 15
2    4 12
3    5  5

I would like to produce a table like this (or something similar):

variable n
4 11
6 7
8 14
3 15
4 12
5 5

Any idea as to how this may be achievable?

CodePudding user response:

We can write a nested pair of functions to map count to multiple variables and row-bind the results, using a little tidy evaluation:


count_multi <- function(.data, ...) {
  count_var <- function(var, .data) {
    .data %>% 
      count(Value = as.character({{ var }})) %>%  # coerce to character to
      mutate(                                     # allow multiple var types
        Variable = as.character(ensym(var)),
        .before = everything()
  map_dfr(enquos(...), count_var, .data = .data)

mtcars %>% 
  count_multi(cyl, gear)


  Variable Value  n
1      cyl     4 11
2      cyl     6  7
3      cyl     8 14
4     gear     3 15
5     gear     4 12
6     gear     5  5

I believe you can use kableExtra::pack_rows() to create subheaders for each Variable in markdown.

CodePudding user response:

The below gets us the output in slightly different format. However, it does allow for subset (using column variable which OP's requirement does not.)


df <- setDT(copy(mtcars))

# select columns as grouping by continuous variables is not appropriate
x <- c('cyl', 'gear')

y <- lapply(x, \(i) df[, .N, i])

names(y) <- x

y <- rbindlist(y, idcol=T, use.names=F)

names(y) <- c('variable', 'class', 'count')

   variable class count
1:      cyl     6     7
2:      cyl     4    11
3:      cyl     8    14
4:     gear     4    12
5:     gear     3    15
6:     gear     5     5
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