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Beautiful soup - html parser returns dots instead of string visible on web


I'm trying to get the number of actors from: enter image description here

You can mimic that request via sending the correct json data. There's no need for BeautifulSoup you can use only the requests module.

Here is a complete working example:

import requests

data = {
    "query": "",
    "page": 0,
    "hitsPerPage": 24,
    "restrictSearchableAttributes": [],
    "attributesToHighlight": [],
    "attributesToRetrieve": [
response = requests.post(
    "https://ow0o5i3qo7-dsn.algolia.net/1/indexes/prod_PUBLIC_STORE/query?x-algolia-agent=Algolia for JavaScript (4.12.1); Browser (lite)&x-algolia-api-key=0ecccd09f50396a4dbbe5dbfb17f4525&x-algolia-application-id=OW0O5I3QO7",




To view all the JSON data in order to access the key/value pairs, you can use:

from pprint import pprint
pprint(response.json(), indent=4)

Partial output:

{   'exhaustiveNbHits': True,
    'exhaustiveTypo': True,
    'hits': [   {   'currentPricingInfo': None,
                    'description': 'Crawls arbitrary websites using the Chrome '
                                   'browser and extracts data from pages using '
                                   'a provided JavaScript code. The actor '
                                   'supports both recursive crawling and lists '
                                   'of URLs and automatically manages '
                                   'concurrency for maximum performance. This '
                                   "is Apify's basic tool for web crawling and "
                    'name': 'web-scraper',
                    'objectID': 'moJRLRc85AitArpNN',
                    'pictureUrl': 'https://apify-image-uploads-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/moJRLRc85AitArpNN/Zn8vbWTika7anCQMn-SD-02-02.png',
                    'stats': {   'lastRunStartedAt': '2022-03-06T21:57:00.831Z',
                                 'totalBuilds': 104,
                                 'totalMetamorphs': 102660,
                                 'totalRuns': 68036112,
                                 'totalUsers': 23492,
                                 'totalUsers30Days': 1726,
                                 'totalUsers7Days': 964,
                                 'totalUsers90Days': 3205},
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