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array class member, with dynamically changeable length during runtime


I am trying to make a network application. Its class blueprint is roughly like this-

class Node
    // member functions
    int nodeID;
    // other members

class NodeNetwork
    // member functions
    Node nodeArray[MAX_NODES];
    // other members

Here, the Node class will deal with each node and the NodeNetwork is used to deal with the complete network.

The actual number of nodes in nodeArray can vary from 0 to MAX_NODES during runtime, i.e., it may not always be MAX_NODES, the number of nodes can be increased or decreased during runtime. Moreover, when the program starts the number will always be 0, after that it will start increasing.

I am using Node nodeArray[MAX_NODES];, but I think it's a serious wastage of space as not always I will have MAX_NODES nodes at runtime. So I am looking for ways to optimize it. I want it so that it starts with a zero-length array, but the size can be increased or decreased subjected to the above constraints based on the nodes added or removed at runtime. I researched on the internet but did not find any concrete answer.

I hope someone can help me solve this problem, thanks in advance.

CodePudding user response:

You can use dynamically array allocation for this purpose:

int* arr = new int[5];

..and anytime you wish to change the number of elements:

int size = 5;
int* arr = new int[size] {};

int* new_arr = new int[size   1];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i  )
    new_arr[i] = arr[i];
delete[] arr;
arr = new_arr;

// Now arr has a storage capacity of 6 elements

..so for your case you can write:

Node* nodeArray = nullptr; // nullptr == null pointer

But this can take a lot of time for huge arrays.

So preferably, you can use std::vector:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main() 
    std::vector<int> vec{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    vec.push_back(6); //Insert a new element

    std::cout << vec[0]; // Accessing an element is the same as an array

..so for your case:

// {} is just for initialization, not exactly mandatory
std::vector<Node> nodeArray{};

CodePudding user response:

You can use std::vector instead of array. That is, you can make the data member nodeArray to be a std::vector<Node> as shown below.

#include <iostream>
class Node
       //constructor for initializing nodeID data member 
       Node(int pnodeID): nodeID(pnodeID)
       //getter for nodeId
       int getId() const 
           return nodeID;
       //always initialize built in type in local/block scope so that they don't have indeterminate value
       int nodeID = 0; 
    // other members

class NodeNetwork
        // member function to add Node 
        void addNode(const Node& n)
        //member function to print out the current nodes 
        void display() const
            std::cout<<"Network has the following nodes: "<<std::endl;
            for(const Node& elem: nodeArray)
        std::vector<Node> nodeArray; //used std::vector instead of array
    // other members
int main()
    //create Node objects 
    Node node1{1};
    Node node2{2};
    Node node3{3};
    NodeNetwork network1;
    //add node1 into the network1's nodeArray data member 
    //add node2 into the network1's nodeArray data member 

    //display all nodes into network1 
    return 0;

In the above demo we have added elements into the nodeArray data member by using std::vector::push_back member function.

The output of the above program can be seen here:

Network has the following nodes: 
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