Home > other >  In the azure notebook called turtle library when there is a problem, do not know how to solve!
In the azure notebook called turtle library when there is a problem, do not know how to solve!


Everybody is good, as stated in question, I use the following command:
Turtle. Showturtle, the following message:
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TclError Traceback (the most recent call last)

- & gt; 1 turtle. Showturtle ()

~/anaconda3_501/lib/python3.6/turtle. Py in showturtle ()

~/anaconda3_501/lib/python3.6/turtle. Py in __init__ (self, shape, undobuffersize, visible)
3810 visible=_CFG [" visible "]) :
3811 if Turtle. _screen is None:
-> 3812 Turtle. _screen=Screen ()
3813 RawTurtle __init__ (self, Turtle _screen,
3814 shape=shape,

~/anaconda3_501/lib/python3.6/turtle. Py in Screen ()
3660 else return the existing one. "" "
3661 if Turtle. _screen is None:
-> 3662 Turtle. _screen=_screen ()
3663 return Turtle. _screen

~/anaconda3_501/lib/python3.6/turtle. Py in __init__ (self)
3676 # preserved (perhaps by passing it as an optional parameter)
3677 if _Screen. _root is None:
-> 3678 _Screen. _root=self. _root=_root ()
3679 self. _root. Title (_Screen _title)
3680 self. _root. Ondestroy (self _destroy)

~/anaconda3_501/lib/python3.6/turtle. Py in __init__ (self)
432 ", "" the Root class for Screen -based on Tkinter." ""
433 def __init__ (self) :
--> 434 TK. TK. __init__ (self)
436 def setupcanvas (self, width, height, cwidth, cheight) :

~/anaconda3_501/lib/python3.6/tkinter/set py in __init__ (self, screenName, the baseName, className, useTk, sync, use)
The baseName=the baseName + ext 2018
2019 interactive=0
-> 2020 self. Tk=_tkinter. Create (screenName, the baseName className, interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)
2021 if useTk:
2022 self. _loadtk ()

TclError: no display name and no $display environment variable
I am using jupeter notebook, or use the local library, no problem, this problem is beyond my ability to solve, please help me, thank you!
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