My code is as follows:
Public Dropdown can av;
Public GameObject go;
Public void the Start ()
//-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - (1)
Go=GameObject. Find (" AngelView ");
Av=go. GetComponent
The Debug Log (av);
Go to print out of it is not Null Null values, is a DropDown can but I think GetComponent, av, is empty,
I tried for Setting the Menu first, then get GetComponent, av is as empty,
The following is my Hierarchy
The Setting Menu is the most began to Create the Empty of DropDown can and AngelView are DropDown can object, but I just want AngelView,
Ask how to solve this problem
CodePudding user response:
Capture a full screen to see itCodePudding user response:
Av=go. GetComponentCodePudding user response:
GameObject. GetComponentCodePudding user response:
Dropdown can Dropdown can=FindObjectOfTypeIf (dropdown can!=null)
String STR=dropdown can. ItemText. Text;