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Needs of game production process? Do you know the game development process!


How difficult is it to make a game. Needs of game production process? There are not many, many people may know today will take you to understand the whole process of game development, let's see!

Director at the beginning of the game production, in accordance with the requirements of the producer, started to design the basic concept of the game, this is the planning stage, the game will be held several times this time planning, on the basis of have draft plan, to solicit comments from all production personnel, after many discussions, game production team will be on the production direction and basic concepts have a relatively clear goals, in big unification under the premise of the game plan is completed, but one can't directly to the prospectus is completed, must be submitted to the superior departments for approval, after gaining adoption can begin formal production, if a game plan not ready, or reviewers (generally producer) think what place needs to be improved, so the prospectus will be back to redo, until it is accepted, in fact, at the time of making games, many ideas are in the plan, but because of the conflict for the club to make policy, or considering whether made popular, can be affected by any objective reasons, such as the completely new finally cannot be used, so we have to be sealed, it was not until later rediscovered, CAPCOM as early as in the era of FC produced "Sweet Home" such type of game, some of the design of the system (e.g., open the door) and "biological" close, but because the console function is limited, and more FC is not suitable for this game, so was put aside, the production of the game concept was revived until 96,

In decision making, the game's primary design began, the first is the decision of the game content, in terms of "resident evil", first consider is how to highlight the characteristics of the "existence of fear", but also cooperate with PS host function well, at first made fully considered the game on three 3 d, but because at that time, the function of PS is not enough, so we have to settle for second best, will be made 3 d characters and props, basically USES 2 d background, besides the area of each room is not too big, the larger the space has split into multiple scene, at the time of in and out of these places will have a little read time, can be used to open the door of the animation to cover up, for players to feel when playing games reading the disk, but also can increase the atmosphere of terror, as a result of the game perspective transformation, often in the normal way to control the 3 d characters for players to avoid feeling overwhelmed, so people move by itself as the center, 360 degree rotation mode, press up to move forward, left for the retreat, please - as the rotation, and so on, after all these game concept design is completed, you can start the game production,

First after the game production, production staff to solve the material problem, a horror game, do not want to be is consists of a pile of matchsticks as model people the right, in addition to the role, but also have a variety of props, the background, around the adjustment of color, light, etc... Because it is a 3 d game, so after the role in the design and 3 d modeling, texturing, rendering process, the production does not exist in the era of 2 d, 2 d game just click draw division game design the good characters with the lattice approach to make all kinds of activities, set in the game with respect to OK, after the production of 3 d characters save a little bit of painting, but also can consume the team a lot of kung fu, at the time of game production, traditional artists working with electronic design is one of the most important, no matter how well you design the role of the image, if the sample go to the TV screen, so also is no use (commonly known as: paint collapse), in order to avoid this situation, both parties must do a good job in communication

Had early planning, to have the art design, with the writing of the program, making even the official start of the game, but the game makers at this stage is faced with a difficult problems: everyone starts at the same time, the part programming has been completed, the design and modeling is not yet complete, the test is about to start of the game, this do? Also good human wisdom is infinite, at the time of planning, production supervision and proposed the method of overall arrangement, let art personnel to make a simple model, temporary first used by programmer tests, such temporary bit player is indispensable in 3 d games, some of the characters also become hidden characters that can be used in the game, especially fighting games, like in "Cinderella" bump; Some roles, and even can become a BOSS, one of the most famous is the champion of "VR" mercury in people, in the "resident evil", the test and the name of the role of "tofu", it's just a white square, when the game starts to make, our role and zombies are made of tofu, the tofu has become a hidden character, appeared in the "resident evil 2" mini game, tofu the condition also is very strict, also will not be easy, if you have any love for biochemical series enough is not easy to meet its looks, this is probably CAPCOM thanked the test role,

The appearance of bean curd is funny, but can't always take the role of tofu instead of in the game, after early programming and artists, producers began to fill with character model is ready to replace the original postage stamp in the game, and had no background drawing to elaborate, plus the background of a small number of 3 d objects, this is the first three generations "resident evil" the background of the producing method, starting from "Veronica" generation, the background is all made in 3 d, made more complex than before, after each part of the combination, with music, sound effects and chattering, the game began to present the original forms,

Game production is completed at this time there is a long distance, after all the program written, was produced in accordance with the design scheme of different scenarios and the script, as well as the test operation handle, in the original version of the game after finish, will test work, it's internal beta version of the game, this version contains a large number of bugs and unreasonable place, including the balance of the game, have to be adjusted, the making process of the Alpha version of the making computer games, but adjust the needed resources than making Alpha, for example, one of the most simple arcade version of "street fighter 2" Alpha version of the programming is done by ship water JiXiao a person, but the late testing, input the number of staff has a lot of, and after adjustment, 8 people bully the balance of also is not very good, until 12 people version has improved,

Alpha adjustment work is done is a Beta version of the test, this version to test the main task is to find a BUG in the game, including all kinds of led can't normal game, the picture is affected, a crash, and so on and so forth, and the program correction of these errors, if it is a series of games has been a lot of works, the Beta test job may be some of the fans of this series, please come to participate in, their names will be written at the end of the game the Staff of the column of "SpecialThanks", arcade games at the time of making console ports, the original Staff involved in the arcade version of development will also join the Beta test, after the end of this test, the official version of the game is almost finished, if after the Beta test and malignant BUG not found out, so when the game is listed the serious consequences it will be hard to pick up, so the big video game company for their products do not have to match phenomenon seriously, try to avoid bugs in the finished product, but the cracks still exist, the secrets, and they have a lot of the game,

After finish the above work, the game can make software, to play good packaging, to the game around the store for sale, in general, the game eventually into factory production software entities to subcontract sales, need 1 ~ 2 months, so the game production and final adjustment basically completed the 2 months before release, some channels people can get a few days before the release of "false" version, is also one of the reasons,

This article is also simply introduces the production process of early game, if in accordance with the level of production now, it is far more complicated than this, with the progress of science and technology, production team needs to learn more skills, including using the proficiency of game engine, etc., the latest unreal engine 5 is one of the best examples, ahead of the next generation, many game companies need to fully exert the engine's power also still needs a period of time,

In a word, every game is a team work, we should be in the process of visit to thank every production team, it is because of these dedicated game, the game world we can see flowers,
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