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Merge two pandas dataframe with small margin of errors on each row's selected value?


Two dataframes' key1 are increasing at linear rate, but there might be some error.


key1 key2 key 3
  0   1    2
 20   3    4
 40   5    6    <- this row
 60   7    8


key1 key4 key5
  0   9    10
 20   11   12
 39   13   14    <- this row
 60   15   16

After merging df1 and df2, the result should be:


key1 key2 key3 key4 key5
  0   1    2    9    10
 20   3    4    11   12
 40   5    6    13   14    <- this row
 60   7    8    15   16

The value used for merged df on the row should be a int that is rounded arithmetic mean.

I tried to create a nested for loop going through df1 and df2 and check the values on key1, if the difference on value is larger than 1, I'll just append a new row to df3 with nan in the missing part.


some row in df1:

key1 key2 key 3
100   20   21

some row in df2:

key1 key4 key5
105   22   23

What should be added to df3:

key1 key2 key3 key4 key5
100   20   21   nan  nan
105   nan  nan  22   23

This approach is very slow and my computer only finished 4% of the processing overnight.

CodePudding user response:

pd.merge_asof was intended for this:

df3 = pd.merge_asof(df1, df2, on='key1')


>>> df3
   key1  key2  key3  key4  key5
0     0     1     2     9    10
1    20     3     4    11    12
2    40     5     6    13    14
3    60     7     8    15    16
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