Home > other >  How to find best-fit line between two columns in Pandas Dataframe, but split up by each individual g
How to find best-fit line between two columns in Pandas Dataframe, but split up by each individual g


I have a DataFrame that, when simplified, looks something like:

2 0 0
2 1 3.3
2 4 9
2 6 12
7 0 0.2
7 2 1
7 3 6
7 5 7
7 7 9

However, there are more columns (19 total) with other info, and there are thousands of rows, with 70 unique 'ID' numbers.

What I want is to, for each ID 'group', calculate the best-fit line between X and Y, and store that information as something like:

ID Slope Intercept R2
2 1.95 0.70 0.99
7 1.34 0.08 0.88

which summarizes this best-fit information for each 'ID'. Here Slope and Intercept are the slope and intercept of the linear best-fit line, and R2 is the R-squared value for some measure of error.

I can of course do this manually using something like:

import scipy
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(a, b)
r2 = r_value**2

which is how I filled those in in the second table. But how could I automate this for all the rows within in each 'ID' group? I imagine using df.groupby('ID') somehow, but I don't know how to combine both methods at a large scale...

Any help welcome, thanks!

CodePudding user response:

You can group by ID and then use apply:

res = df.groupby('ID').apply(lambda x: scipy.stats.linregress(x['X'], x['Y']))
stats_df = pd.DataFrame(res.tolist(), index=res.index).reset_index().round(2)


>>> stats_df
   ID  slope  intercept  rvalue  pvalue  stderr
0   2   1.95       0.70    0.99    0.01    0.17
1   7   1.34       0.08    0.94    0.02    0.28
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