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Altium Designer 18 simple introduction to study


As learning AD18 preparation, I went to the big good platform for teaching video, but most are unsatisfactory, is difficult,
And most of the AD platform teaching video AD version is old most of them are the video of a few years ago, the AD in the video version of the interface with the
AD18 interface is large, the last I found the PCB under the recommendation of students union AD17 zhen-yu zheng teachers in the teaching video, AD17
And AD18 interface, and the teacher's explanation is also detailed and in place, zheng follow the whole process of zheng teacher will AD17 after a
And follow the teacher zheng draws a 51 core board after we have a rough drawing is almost a piece of simple PCB's ability,
This is also the purpose of our study AD18, I study the AD18 is also in order to draw a piece of stm32 board,
Below is my some little tips and summary in the process of drawing,
The first step is to draw a complete PCB schematic drawing, the first step in my personal view map principle all device lookup and principle diagram,
When we cannot find the related devices principle diagram is begins his map principle, we should do as far as possible when drawing schematic diagram and beautiful, after drawing
Cheng we can press the Q switch unit, can press the TAB key to place the pin or wire frame and so on for each adjustment, also can rotate, press the space key at the same time, we can switch after miles (mile) as the unit, will View (View) the menu bar of the grid (Grids) is set to 5 mile allows us to draw the schematic diagram of neat and beautiful, as far as possible
Completed as part of the device after schematic drawing, began to put the overall diagram is connected, is put in the schematic diagram of the process we will meet two kinds of circumstance, if your components are small, you can choose to connect the device with lines pin between schematic diagram, when the device is more long, I think that choose to use the network standard rooms will be more convenient, following
Zheng teacher drew 51 when I have learned to use connect the schematic diagram of the device, and in my painting, I chose to use network label, when we are faced with a number of devices we can choose when putting it into many blocks, when we repeat use a schematic diagram of the device we don't have to repeatedly to place can directly hold down the Shift key
Get it and then use the mouse to drag the principle diagram of copy, and we also can be in the process of moving principle diagram by pressing the X and Y with schematic diagram of the mirror image of the X axis and Y axis to make us more efficient to complete the schematic diagram of production, when we put every part of the schematic diagram connection, finally using the network label will each part with chip
Together each pin, such as below: in the process of the principle diagram of the connection I summarized some error when using the network label, first of all, the first label placement network when I didn't pay attention to the lower left corner of positioning, +. Should I place the plus sign on the pins of the connection, when we can try to drag the network when the label is not assured, if
Cable leads, prove network tags placed correctly, I was in the wrong place at the same time the network label after copying out of the back without checking with network label is wrong recommended in place after the network label pins should be carefully observed whether there is a white four points, the network should be paid more attention to the name of the tag to correspond,
The principle diagram of the two finished these to some key step packaging import, we can order open Tools (Tools) inside the package Manager (Foootprint Manager) inside we can
Encapsulate add, of course, we can also double-click the principle diagram of the device added directly but not an add all the schematic diagram of the same device packaging, at the same time we should pay attention to the Comment of the device is correct, because it is related to export our BOM list, you can purchase directly to merchants have devices, can be themselves, said to the PCB assembly
Add the PCB drawing, we will be mentioned on the Internet, of course, already has a lot of PCB library resources, but also there are some that we can't find, so we would have to draw the map in our PCB library when we need the detailed parameters on the device, such as below this, we need to know the element of aspect
, know the size of each pad, know the spacing between welding plate and so on, so as to draw out a better PCB assembly, at the same time we can pin number one position of the welding plate shape allows us to easily identify the welding plate is number one, bad we draw directly the PCB library there are still some problems, one of the biggest problems is the
Not nice effect of 3 d packaging, ha ha, when we add all the schematic diagram of PCB assembly is complete, we will check our principle of serial number on the schematic and PCB assembly of pin serial number corresponds to finish our these? Preparation work is almost finished,
3 we will we ready to Import PcbDoc, we can through the original Design of the page (Design) the Update PCB Document to Import by PCB Design (Design) of the page to Import Changes From to Import, the Import is complete we can go to after the completion of the rules to define we need to define the rules there are two main one is the spacing, one is the line width, the first is spacing now most domestic floor factory can do 6 mil spacing, jia can be set and have 4 mil
Here we defined as 6 mil than right, more so can, of course, as for the definition of line width, the width, we all use 10 mil line but the power cord is different, we can define the rules of a power alone, the higher the voltage the power cord is thicker, the better, I generally to 3.3 v power supply is 30 mil, give 5 v is 50 mil, larger voltage when the width should be more
A few bigger, and GND I are generally between 15 to 30 mil, it is enough to finish all this we can start to paint plate and frame, we need to Keep - the out layer plate and frame drawing, according to the size of the we need to create good after using Design (Design) the command to redefine plate and frame, it will do a good job after we can start our device PCB
Layout on the plate and frame, but we can use respectively for the convenience of schematic and PCB Tools (Tools) on both sides of the Cross selection command (Cross the select Mode) so we selected principle diagram on a device, PCB there will also be selected at the same time, to do it well after some we can put all the devices on the demand of the reality and wiring
After the completion of the quick and easy to put all put the wiring time start our a long way to go, see a line and a unavoidably get retreat and a little bit of despair, but fortunately we can View choose hide all of the Connections in the line, and then through the inside of the display part of the network device of this option to show we want to
Connection part of the network, so can we have more confidence to complete this work the most time consuming wiring, we'd better to finish in the process of wiring the power voltage stabilizing their wiring, and then complete the ground
的布置,最后再去一个部分一个部分的完成布线,在布线的过程中我们应该尽量遵循规定一种方向来布线例如红线上下蓝线左右,或者相反同时我们要避免布线是出现直角与锐角,使得所有线在拐弯时尽量是钝角,这样不仅可以使得我们的信号线的信号传输稳定,而且布线更加整形,清晰,在初期布线的过程在我们可以使用适量的过孔帮助走线,但是在最后布线完成后我们应该检查布线尽量将一些用不上的过孔删去,在布线的过程中我们可以切换顶层与底层来布线通过过孔连接即可,我们可以通过按Shift+s来实现某一层的凸显,或者通过V+B反转板子,也可以通过拖动元件PCB是按L键将其放置与板子的背面完成布线以后我们可以将地线删去,选择铺铜,也可以不删去,如果最后发现有一些GND被包住无法与其他的地连通,我们可以选择用线引出一点点以后接一个过孔,如图,最后铺地铜使得所有的地连通,完成上面的布线以后我们就可以开始铺铜了,我们可以在放置(plcae)中找到铺铜选项,选择了铺铜以后我们可以按TAB键来选择所要铺的铜的属性,完成正反两面的铺铜以后使用Reports菜单中的Netlist Status进行错误检查,没有问题以后,自己再检查一下
Can be sent to board factory to plate type,

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