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Printing Single Quote inside the string


I want to output


I tried the following 3 statements in Python IDLE.

  • 1st and 2nd statement output a \ before '.
  • 3rd statement with print function doesn't output \ before '.

Being new to Python, I wanted to understand why \ is output before ' in the 1st and 2nd statements.

>>> "XYZ\'s \"ABC\""
'XYZ\'s "ABC"'

>>> "XYZ's \"ABC\""
'XYZ\'s "ABC"'

>>> print("XYZ\'s \"ABC\"")

CodePudding user response:

Here are my observations when you call repr() on a string: (It's the same in IDLE, REPL, etc)

  • If you print a string(a normal string without single or double quote) with repr() it adds a single quote around it. (note: when you hit enter on REPL the repr() gets called not __str__ which is called by print function.)

  • If the word has either ' or " : First, there is no backslash in the output. The output is gonna be surrounded by " if the word has ' and ' if the word has ".

  • If the word has both ' and ": The output is gonna be surrounded by single quote. The ' is gonna get escaped with backslash but the " is not escaped.


def print_it(s):


print_it('Soroush"s book')
print_it("Soroush's book")

print_it('Soroush"s book and Soroush\' pen')
print_it("Soroush's book and Soroush\" pen")


'Soroush"s book'
"Soroush's book"
'Soroush"s book and Soroush\' pen'
'Soroush\'s book and Soroush" pen'

So with that being said, the only way to get your desired output is by calling str() on a string.

  • I know Soroush"s book is grammatically wrong in English. I just want to put in inside an expression.

CodePudding user response:

Not sure what you want it to print. Do you want it to output XYZ\'s \"ABC\" or XYZ's "ABC"?

The \ escapes next special character like quotes, so if you want to print a \ the code needs to have two \\.

string = "Im \\" 
output: Im \

If you want to print quotes you need single quotes:

string = 'theres a "lot of "" in" my "" script'

Output: theres a "lot of "" in" my "" script

Single quotes makes you able to have double quotes inside the string.

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