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Novice for help: the small white, can you tell me the use simple doc2vec text study, there is an err


Novice for help: the small white, can you tell me the use simple doc2vec text study, how to solve the mistakes?

# coding: utf-8

The import jieba

The import gensim

The from gensim. Models. Doc2vec import doc2vec

TaggededDocument=gensim. Models. Doc2vec. TaggedDocument

Def get_datasest () :
With the open (" F: \ CSDN \ shuju TXT ", 'r', encoding='GBK', errors='ignore') as the cf: # # for the training set, read from a file, the content inside is a line of words

Docs=cf. Readlines ()

For I, the text enumerate in (docs) :


Word_list="'. Join (jieba. The cut (text. The split (' \ n ') [0])). The split (' ')

L=len (word_list)

=word_list word_list [l - 1] [l - 1]. Strip ()

The document=TaggededDocument (word_list, tags=[I])

X_train. Append (document)

Return x_train

Def "train" (x_train vector_size=100, epoch_num=1) :

Model_dm=Doc2Vec (x_train min_count=1, the window=5, vector_size=vector_size, sample=1-3, e negative=5, workers=4)

Model_dm. "train" (x_train, total_examples=model_dm corpus_count, epochs=70)

Model_dm. Save (' picking. The model ') # # model to save the location of the

Return model_dm

Def ceshi () :
Model_dm=Doc2Vec. Load (F: \ "CSDN \ picking model")

Str1='computer operating systems'

Test_text="'. Join (jieba. The cut (str1)). The encode (' GBK '). The split (' ')

Inferred_vector_dm=model_dm. Infer_vector (test_text) # # of text vector

Print (inferred_vector_dm)

Return inferred_vector_dm

If __name__=="__main__ ':
X_train=get_datasest ()

Model_dm="train" (x_train)

Doc_2_vec=ceshi ()

Print the
Type (doc_2_vec)

Print (doc_2_vec. Shape)

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