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Graphs problems


Simple to describe my question, I want to use MapReducec processing data, the Map function can write good run out, but reduce function has been wrong, because the Map function is complex, here only the output of the Map function are given, and I reduce function, I hope you the great spirit saw may help me to answer it ~ Hadoop beginners, side is not very understand students ~ ~ his crazy to try at home, but still can't solve ~ thank you ~

Map output:
The key value
112008 zhang computer information engineering 1
Computer information engineering 1
181678 Shen Yu Japanese foreign language 2
Japanese foreign language 2
112009 zhang computer economic management 3
Economic management computer 3

(the value of the value of the intermediate with a whitespace-delimited)

the Reduce processing :
Incorporating the same Key value, there are only two computer Key values are the same, the other has become a Key oneself, traverse the same Key value,
such as computer and information engineeringEconomic management 3
According to the space separated each valuelist, such as information engineering assignment to the split [0] 1 assignment to the split [1], and then directly to the output, then the same, the economic management assigned to the split [0] 3 assignment to the split [1], and then directly to the output, the back of the original program and steps but later found that this one is wrong,, so I want to ask everybody to help see ~

My Reduce part is as follows:
Public static class YCLReducer extends Reducer {
//private LongWritable result=new LongWritable ();
Private Text a1=new Text ();
Private Text b1=new Text ();
Public void the reduce (Text key Iterable Values,
The Context Context
) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

String a;
String b;

The Iterator ite=values. The Iterator ();

While (ite. HasNext ())
String record=ite. Next (). The toString ();
String [] lineSplit=record. The split (" ");

A1. The set (lineSplit [0]);
B1. The set (lineSplit [1]);

The context. Write (a1, b1);


For (int m=0; m{
Jlh1. Set (jiluhao. Get (m));
Jlh2. Set (jiluhao. Get (m));
The context. Write (jlh1 jlh2);
/* for (int n=m + 1; N{
If (ziduan. Get (m)!=ziduan. Get (n))
Jlh1. Set (jiluhao. Get (m));
Jlh2. Set (jiluhao. Get (n));
The context. Write (jlh1 jlh2);



Detailed code is as follows:

Data: 1 112008 zhangfeng jisuanji xinxigongcheng

import java.io.IOException;
Import org, apache hadoop. Conf. Configured;
Import org, apache hadoop. Conf. Configuration;
Import org, apache hadoop. Fs. The Path;
Import org, apache hadoop. IO. *;
Import org, apache hadoop. IO. IntWritable;
Import org, apache hadoop. IO. Text;
Import org, apache hadoop. Graphs. *;
Import org, apache hadoop. Graphs. The Job;
Import org, apache hadoop. Graphs. Mapper;
Import org, apache hadoop. Graphs. Reducer;
Import org, apache hadoop. Graphs. Lib. Input. FileInputFormat;
Import org, apache hadoop. Graphs. Lib. Output. FileOutputFormat;
Import org, apache hadoop. Graphs. Lib. Output. TextOutputFormat;
Import org, apache hadoop. Util. Tool;
Import org, apache hadoop. Util. ToolRunner;
Import org, apache hadoop. Util. GenericOptionsParser;

import java.util.ArrayList;
Import the Java. Util. Iterator;
import java.util.List;
Import the Java. Util. StringTokenizer;

Public class YCLyilai extends Configured implements Tool
Enum Counter
LINESKIP,//chu cuo DE hang

Public static class YCLMapper extends Mapper

//private final static LongWritable one=new LongWritable (1);
Private Text zhuma=new Text ();
Private Text out=new Text ();
Public void map (LongWritable key, the Text value, Context Context) throws IOException, InterruptedException
String linevalue=(https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/value.toString);
String [] relateSplit="1 2 3 4 p and 4 p", the split (" ");
StringTokenizer StringTokenizer=new StringTokenizer (linevalue);

String [] lineSplit=linevalue. Split (" ");

String t=null;
String s="";

For (int m=0; m{
if(! RelateSplit [m]. Equals (" p "))
S +=lineSplit [Integer parseInt (relateSplit) [m]] + "";
The else
String [] partSplit=s.s plit (" ");
Zhuma. Set (partSplit [1]);
String s1="";
For (int j=2; J{
S1 +=partSplit [j];
Out. The set (s1 + "" + lineSplit [0]).
The context. Write (zhuma, out);


The catch (Java. Lang. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
The context. GetCounter (Counter. LINESKIP). Increment (1);

Public static class YCLReducer extends Reducer {
//private LongWritable result=new LongWritable ();
Private Text a1=new Text ();
Private Text b1=new Text ();
Public void the reduce (Text key Iterable Values,
The Context Context
) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

String a;
String b;

The Iterator ite=values. The Iterator ();

While (ite. HasNext ())
String record=ite. Next (). The toString ();
String [] lineSplit=record. The split (" ");

A1. The set (lineSplit [0]);
B1. The set (lineSplit [1]);

The context. Write (a1, b1);


For (int m=0; m
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